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10 MALTATODAY SURVEY maltatoday | SUNDAY • 11 DECEMBER 2022 KURT SANSONE CHRIS Fearne emerges as the top performing minister in Rob- ert Abela's Cabinet, followed by Ian Borg and Clyde Caruana, a MaltaToday survey shows. Fearne, who doubles up as health and deputy prime min- ister, was indicated as the top performer by 12.5% of respond- ents, double that of the closest Cabinet colleague, Ian Borg. This is the first survey to ask people to rate their ministers since the March general elec- tion, which saw the Labour Party secure its third consecu- tive term. Fearne emerges as the top performer among men and women, all age groups and in three of the six regions, placing second in the rest. The deputy prime minister also tops the list among those who voted for the PL and the Nationalist Party in the March election. The other Cabinet members to make the top seven list are, Ian Borg (5.9%), Clyde Caruana (4.7%), Clint Camilleri (2.8%), Clifton Grima (2.6%), Michael Falzon and Miriam Dalli, each with 2.2%. The rest of the Cabi- net members score below 2% in the overall results. Overall, 53.9% of respondents did not indicate a preference or were unable to choose. The survey was carried out between 22 November and 1 December, coinciding with government's decision to put forward an amendment to in- troduce exceptions to Malta's strict anti-abortion law. The amendment was pre- sented by Fearne and Justice Minister Jonathan Attard on 16 November and the parlia- mentary debate started on 28 November. Fearne has been at the fore- front of the debate but the survey suggests this ethically contentious issue – abortion has for long been considered a no-go area for politicians – has not dented his position as best performing minister. A similar survey carried out in February 2021 had also put Fearne top of the list with 25.2% but this was at the height of the pandemic and at a time when the vaccine roll out was in full swing. Fearne is credited to have successfully steered Malta's COVID-19 response, which earned him praise from the World Health Organisation's regional director for Europe, Hans Kluge. And in the ongo- ing abortion debate, Fearne has emerged as a reassuring voice in pressing home the need to introduce the exceptions to protect women's health and lives, while allaying fears this will lead to a free for all. The survey asked respondents to name one minister or parlia- mentary secretary who they be- lieve is performing best. Robert Abela was excluded from this exercise and names were not prompted. Borg and Caruana Foreign Minister Ian Borg, placed second with 5.9%, re- taining the same position as that in February 2021, albeit with a reduced percentage. In February, last year Borg was chosen by 16% of respondents. Borg's public profile has greatly diminished after the March general election, hav- ing been appointed foreign minister. He did briefly have a platform earlier this year when Malta was confirmed as a member of the UN Security Council for a two-year term starting in January 2023. However, the survey suggests that Borg still benefits from the positive image he built as a doer when as roads minister he was responsible for recon- struction of Malta's main road network. The controversies hounding Transport Malta – the driving test corruption scandal and the Japanese second hand car im- port fraud – and which go back to Borg's time as minister, do not appear to have had any ap- preciable impact on his stand- ing since the lower percentage cuts across the board. Third in line is the straight-talking finance minis- ter with 4.7%. Clyde Caruana's portfolio provides him with a natural platform every year during budget time. But he has had to steer the ship of public finances in extremely choppy waters as a result of the pan- demic and the war in Ukraine. The only female member of Cabinet to make the top seven list is Energy Minister Miriam Dalli with 2.2%. Among Labour voters Fearne tops the list of those who voted for the PL in the 2022 general election with Chris Fearne 'best performing minister', MaltaToday survey shows Overall Top 7 1. Chris Fearne 12.5% 2. Ian Borg 5.9% 3. Clyde Caruana 4.7% 4. Clint Camilleri 2.8% 5. Clifton Grima 2.6% 6. Michael Falzon 2.2% 7. Miriam Dalli 2.2% Among PN voters Top 7 1. Chris Fearne 12% 2. Clyde Caruana 4.5% 3. Ian Borg 3.9% 4. Aaron Farrugia 2.6% 5. Clint Camilleri 1.9% 6. Clifton Grima 1.8% 7. Michael Falzon 1.8% Among PL voters Top 7 1. Chris Fearne 15.3% 2. Ian Borg 9.9% 3. Clint Camilleri 4.7% 4. Clayton Bartolo 4% 5. Silvio Schembri 4% 6. Clifton Grima 3.6% 7. Michael Falzon 3.4% Among voters 16-35 Top 7 1. Chris Fearne 13.7% 2. Ian Borg 10.2% 3. Clyde Caruana 5.6% 4. Clint Camilleri 4.5% 5. Miriam Dalli 2.7% 6. Silvio Schembri 2% 7. Aaron Farrugia 1.2% Among voters 36-50 Top 7 1. Chris Fearne 6.5% 2. Clint Camilleri 4.1% 3. Ian Borg 4.1% 4. Silvio Schembri 3.9% 5. Clifton Grima 3.2% 6. Byron Camilleri 3.2% 7. Clyde Caruana 2.9% Among voters 51-65 Top 7 1. Chris Fearne 17.5% 2. Clyde Caruana 7.2% 3. Ian Borg 6.9% 4. Clifton Grima 4.9% 5. Michael Falzon 3.6% 6. Anton Refalo 3.2% 7. Clayton Bartolo 2.4% Among voters 65+ Top 7 1. Chris Fearne 12.4% 2. Michael Falzon 3.8% 3. Ian Borg 3.5% 4. Clyde Caruana 3.4% 5. Clayton Bartolo 2.9% 6. Miriam Dalli 2.5% 7. Roderick Galdes 2.2% Among men Top 7 1. Chris Fearne 9% 2. Clyde Caruana 7.1% 3. Ian Borg 6% 4. Clint Camilleri 3.5% 5. Miriam Dalli 3.2% 6. Clifton Grima 2.9% 7. Anton Refalo 2.5% Among women Top 7 1. Chris Fearne 16.6% 2. Ian Borg 5.9% 3. Silvio Schembri 2.4% 4. Clifton Grima 2.2% 5. Clyde Caruana 2.1% 6. Michael Falzon 2.1% 7. Clint Camilleri 2.1% In Gozo Top 4 1. Clint Camilleri 34.3% 2. Anton Refalo 11.4% 3. Jo Etienne Abela 3.1% 4. Chris Fearne 2.3% No other minister registers score. Gozo region is distinct elec- toral district unlike other regions in the survey. In Northern region Top 7 1. Ian Borg 11.3% 2. Chris Fearne 8.2% 3. Clyde Caruana 6.8% 4. Clayton Bartolo 5.5% 5. Aaron Farrugia 2.2% 6. Michael Falzon 1.2% 7. Miriam Dalli 1.2% N Harbour region Top 7 1. Chris Fearne 13.8% 2. Clyde Caruana 5.9% 3. Clifton Grima 4.8% 4. Clayton Bartolo 2.7% 5. Michael Falzon 2.6% 6. Silvio Schembri 2.4% 7. Aaron Farrugia 2.1% S-Eastern region Top 7 1. Chris Fearne 19.9% 2. Owen Bonnici 8.2% 3. Miriam Dalli 7.3% 4. Ian Borg 5.3% 5. Clyde Caruana 5.3% 6. S Zrinzo Azzopardi 2.8% 7. Jonathan Attard 2.1% Southern Harbour Top 7 1. Chris Fearne 11.8% 2. Ian Borg 6.5% 3. Byron Camilleri 4.5% 4. Clifton Grima 4% 5. Miriam Dalli 3.7% 6. Michael Falzon 3.6% 7. Silvio Schembri 2.5% In Western region Top 7 1. Ian Borg 17% 2. Chris Fearne 13.2% 3. Silvio Schembri 5.1% 4. Clyde Caruana 4.9% 5. J Farrugia Portelli 4.6% 6. Roderick Galdes 4.4% 7. Michael Falzon 4.2%

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