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BUSINESS TODAY 5 January 2023

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10 COMMERCIAL 5.1.2023 Crowning Malta's best architecture and design projects for 2022 EVEN though we see historical and modern architecture as vastly different, both are likewise important and can be equally successful. While old architec- ture can inform us about the culture, history, and values of the past — such as the unique and charming temples, palaces and churches that beautify our Island, modern architecture has the power to inspire and transform, for the better, the spaces we live in. But for modern architecture to attain the same level of success we attribute to older buildings, today's buildings must be well-designed not only exteriorly but interiorly too. Well-designed architec- ture is not a subjective matter. Style and fashion are. While we celebrate the works and names of well recognised local archi- tects such as Tumas Dingli, Glormu Cassar, Emmanuel Luigi Galizia to name a few, who left behind them iconic landmark buildings, we are less appre- ciative of today's contemporary archi- tects and designers whose job has never been more complex and challenging with success being far from guaranteed. "e scope of the MASP Awards - now welcoming submissions for its 4th an- nual edition - is to recognise and cele- brate the quality work and the people behind successful well-designed archi- tecture projects of today. Launched in 2019 by the PA under the Patronage of the President of Malta, the MASP Awards have become the 'hall of fame' for local architects and interior design- ers and a mark of excellence in the in- dustry.," explains MASP Awards organ- iser Peter Gingell. "If it weren't for these awards most well-designed projects remain unap- preciated and 'hidden stories' of the creative local talent we have around us. We believe that giving publicity to best practices there is a better chance of tipping the scales in favour of well designed architecture." highlights Mr Gingell. For this year's edition, two new cat- egories have been added. e Small Projects Awards is being introduced to accommodate projects that may not be competitive if included with larg- er-scale projects in other categories. Here, projects must demonstrate that one can achieve remarkable results even though small in scale. Not exceed- ing a footprint of 170sqm, projects may also include installations, temporary structures, street furniture, informa- tion kiosks, shading canopies and view- ing platforms. e other new category is the Archi- tectural Engineering Award. Behind every great piece of architecture is su- perb engineering. is award will rec- ognise projects that excel in structural engineering and push the boundaries of architecture through creative engineer- ing. Mr Gingell continued "Another ma- jor change relates to the evaluation stage. As of this year, participants will have the opportunity to give a 5-min- ute presentation for the projects they would have submitted. is will enable the jury members, especially the for- eign experts, to have a more holistic 2022 MASP AWARDS 13 awards are up for the taking as the 4th edition of e Malta Architecture and Spatial Planning (MASP) Awards gets underway. MASP Awards organiser Peter Gingell explains how these awards are helping us discover and appreciate some Malta's new architectural gems and the inspirational people behind them. The MASP Award Rehabilitation and Conservation Award Winner 2021 Valletta Design Cluster - Restoration Directorate

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