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MALTATODAY 15 January 2023

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 15 JANUARY 2023 4 Pinter masterpiece soon to open at Blue Box Rehearsals are in progress at Masquerade to stage Betrayal – one of iconic playwright Harold Pinter's most famous works – later this month A stellar cast including Naomi Said, Edward Caruana Galizia and Nicholas Jackson, direct- ed by Ian Moore, is currently in rehearsals to tell the classic tale of Harold Pinter's Betrayal from 20 January.The drama is one of two within Masquerade Malta's 'Out of the Blue' pro- ject that also mark two major milestones: Masquerade's 25th anniversary theatre season and the 10th anniversary of Blue Box at M Space. "Pinter, not unlike Masquer- ade, is an icon within the arts; playwright, performer, pro- ducer and director, the man touched every base within the theatre industry – as does Masquerade, as an arts organi- sation," says Mr Moore. "Stag- ing his seminal work sets the bar high for the forthcoming season, a season we hope many will remember as one of the best, offering a wide variety of choice, which is exactly the leg- acy Masquerade creates." Widely considered as Pinter's most accessible work, Betray- al is a tender yet mesmerising masterpiece of relationships and adultery. In this devastating dissection of a love triangle, secrets and lies unravel and time spools backwards, revealing the first sparks of passion ignited be- tween Emma (Naomi Said) and Jerry (Edward Caruana Galizia) and placing the audience in the tantalising position of knowing more than the characters. As such, the play is both a com- pelling portrait of the relation- ship between the lovers and the competitiveness of male friendships, particularly be- tween Jerry and Robert (Nich- olas Jackson). Completing the moving at- mosphere in Masquerade's anniversary production of this classic play will also be live mu- sic performed by top local vio- linist Sean Borg. "We are looking forward to kicking off our 25th anniver- sary theatre season with two incredible productions at Blue Box at M Space," says Mas- querade Malta's artistic direc- tor, Anthony Bezzina. "Along- side the psychological thriller Misery, which will premiere in February, Betrayal is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat!" Performances of Betrayal will take place on 20-22, 26-29 January 2023 at Blue Box at M Space. For more information and to book tickets, visit www. THEATRE Naomi Said, Edward Caruana Galizia and Nicholas Jackson

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