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MALTATODAY 15 January 2023

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 15 JANUARY 2023 8 ALMANAC My essentials ANDRE MANGION 31, Actor, and programme executive at Spazju Kreattiv I love stories. In all forms. Sometimes I sit down and write my own stories. I went from hating to go up on stage in school concerts to performing in 37 productions in the past 12 years. I have studied economics and worked in the financial industry, but I have now happily changed career path and I am working in the arts. 1 4 5 1. Book 2. TV 3. Internet 4. Music 5. Place I don't consider myself much of a social media person and internet user. I do enjoy these short, fast-paced, cooking videos. Makes cooking look so easy and the food always looks mouth-watering. Yes, I am a foodie. I enjoy a good meal in great company. Two websites I have been using lately are and Ġabra, an open lexicon for Maltese. Super-useful. LATELY I have been following Italian singer-songwriter Si- mone Cristicchi. Some of my last work for theatre was heav- ily inspired by his work. How- ever, my all-time favourites are Finnish symphonic metal band Nightwish and the brains behind the band, Toumas Hol- opainen. The music he creates is very story like and I have found inspiration from their music so often. I also consider Ghost Love Score, from their album 'Once', as the best song ever written. VIÑALES in Cuba. Can't re- ally describe the feeling, but it felt different and it felt right. I also enjoy shorter trips to European cities, especially to London, where the theatre and musical scene is always invit- ing along with shopping pros- pects. What I'd love to do one day is set on a culinary experi- ence in France and Italy. That's one on the bucket list. I normally would be reading multiple books and I take long to finish them. At the moment I have three books on my bed- side table which I am 'reading': "Aristotle's Poetics for Screen- writers" – quite interesting as it draws examples of how the principles of the Poetics fea- ture in some of the best films we've watched. "An Atlas of Tolkien": I find Tolkien's world fascinating. "Nikteb il-Mal- ti Tajjeb, Manwal Prattiku Tal-Ortografija": I'm halfway through a Maltese proofread- ing course. MY partner and I are avid cinema goers. It's really hard to pick up a favourite film although if I have to really choose and all-time favourite, probably I'd say 'The Shaw- shank Redemption'. Recently we watched 'The Swimmers' and whilst perhaps the story seems romanticised it was an enjoyable one. I loved the con- cept of the German TV series 'Dark' so recently I sat down and watched 1899 by the same creators. 3 2

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