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11 NEWS maltatoday | SUNDAY • 29 JANUARY 2023 JAMES DEBONO A permit allowing six-storey de- velopment in Ta' Xbiex could unleash a domino effect for the terraced houses in the village's housing estate, all built to simi- lar design and proportions, with green spaces separating them. But this unique character of Ta' Xbiex has been imperiled by the Planning Authority's green light for a six-storey de- velopment instead of a 1970s property at the corner of Triq it-Tajjar and Triq il-Kosbor. The development by Fijo Masrija Ltd had been firmly objected to by the Superin- tendence for Cultural Herit- age, which says the buildings in the area have a "degree of architectural value" as part of a legible streetscape. "These houses and apartment blocks are laid out with a evident de- gree of formality, juxtaposing open spaces and built volumes, with contained heights and standardised design, reflecting a clear and coherent vision for urban design." The SCH said this kind of ur- ban design was a "significant aspect of architecture", and reminded that landscapes and groups of buildings fall within the definition of cultural herit- age as according to Article 2 of the Cultural Heritage Act. But the Fijo Masrija develop- ment was approved following slight changes to the design, after the PA's planning com- mission expressed concern that a proposed facade did not respect the street's "existing design and rhythm", running counter to the SPED. In a sub- sequent meeting, the develop- ment was approved following changes which retained the same height. The approval is set to trig- ger the approval of another six-storey block proposed by mega-developer Joseph Portel- li's Excel Limited, by demol- ishing another terraced house in Triq il-Kosbor. Even this project is opposed by the SCH for the same reasons. The PA's case officer is also recommend- ing refusal because the glass railing proposed on the facade does not relate to the existing site context and surrounding area. But this problem has been addressed in new plans to re- place the square apertures with arched ones. And with plans showing the new streetscape after the ap- proval of the Excel develop- ment, the precedent for a dom- ino effect on the entire street has now been laid totally bare. PA unleashes domino effect on Ta' Xbiex housing townscape Corner development paves way for six- storey buildings in Ta Xbiex's quaint housing estate which Superintendence for Cultural Heritage wants protected A permit allowing six-storey development in Ta' Xbiex could unleash a domino effect for the terraced houses in the village's housing estate, all built to similar design and proportions, with green spaces separating them. And with plans showing the new streetscape after the approval of the Excel development, the precedent for a domino effect on the entire street has now been laid totally bare