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MALTATODAY 26 February 2023

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11 NEWS maltatoday | SUNDAY • 26 FEBRUARY 2023 work, to living in darkness and hiding in a bomb shelter," she said. "For the first days you are confused, you try reaching out to friends in the military to get an idea, but no one knew what was going on." On the second day of the in- vasion, news started spreading that Russian troops were 20km from their home, which trans- lates to the approximate dis- tance between Marsaskala and Mosta. She explained how the in- stinct to protect your family and home kicks in. "My friends, parents and I started collecting used empty bottles to make Molotov cocktails for the sol- diers who were at military out- posts and checkpoints." "News was also spreading that civilians were being killed by Russian soldiers, and at that time it struck me that I was not safe. It was a conflicting feeling, because when you feel threat- ened you want to go home, but home was not safe," she said. Together with her sister they decided he needed to leave the country. "As I was packing, my father saw me cry, and I remember telling him 'I hate Putin, be- cause he forced me to do a decision which I didn't want. I never wanted to leave my family, I never wanted to leave the country, I never wanted to leave my home'," she said. After a two-day trip to get to Western Ukraine, which was a completely different landscape to the East, Vita and her sister crossed the border to Romania, then Slovakia, Hungary and then Poland, before ultimately making their way to Malta. She explained how the war has brought Ukrainians togeth- er. "'The whole world is watch- ing a Netflix show, but Ukrain- ians live it every day." Vita explained that despite leaving, there is still a small part of her which will never leave Ukraine. "It's like living in two realities. I am here in Malta, but my family, friends and home are still there." "My grandmother has her 85th birthday today. I can't hug her, I can't kiss her, I can't hold her. That is not right," she said. "I also have a friend who has a two-year-old son. His father is fighting in the war, and has seen his son for maybe three times in the last year. He is ask- ing her whether his dad is still alive, imagine that feeling." Vita Boronylo said she would like Putin to pass through the emotional roller-coaster Ukrainians have felt over the past year. "I wish he can feel the emotions mothers with dead sons feel, I want him to feel the fear raped women feel, I want him to feel scared like children fleeing their homes." But for Vita, it's not only Pu- tin's fault, and she wants Rus- sians to stand up against evil. "People will say it is Putin's fault, but it's not Putin who is firing the shell, it's not Putin firing the gun, it's not Putin flying the plane, it's not Putin who is killing civilians, it's not Putin who is raping women. There is still an individual be- hind the decision." One year on from the war, uncertainty still reigns in Vita's life. While the reception and help in Malta has been great, it is still not home. "Every time my mum doesn't pick up the phone, or I read something on the news, my heart stops," Vita said. Unfor- tunately, the end still seems so far away. the world is watching a Netflix Ukrainians are living it'

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