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MALTATODAY 26 February 2023

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4 OPINION Roberta Metsola maltatoday | SUNDAY • 26 FEBRUARY 2023 Roberta Metsola is President of the European Parliament If the last year has proved anything, it is that the Ukrainian people are among the bravest, most resilient and impressive examples of a people fighting and beating the odds THE world we knew radically changed on 24 February 2022. On that day and for every day since, the lives of millions of Ukrainian families were shat- tered. From one moment to the next, many had to aban- don everything. Eight million Ukrainians, fifteen times the population of Malta, were forced to flee their homes and seek ref- uge in the European Union. An- other six million became inter- nally displaced. The world also changed for all of us who are witnessing the brutality, the injustice, the bla- tant violation of international law, the terror, disrespect for human rights, the war crimes that, a year later, are still be- ing committed on sovereign Ukrainian territory. We all want peace. The Ukrainians the most. The whole European idea is built on peace. But, peace without free- dom and peace without justice is no peace at all. Speaking in the European Parliament just two weeks ago President Zelenskyy outlined how he sees Europe as a con- tinent steeped in rules, values, equality and fairness, and a place where Ukraine is firmly at home. The Kremlin, on the other hand, he said, is doing its utmost to destroy European values. This is why we will continue to stand with Ukraine. Their citizens depend on it. Europe depends on it. Peace depends on it. We stand alongside the countless families that have found themselves stripped of everything. We stand with the Ukrainian defence forces that fight for freedom, democracy and the rules-based world or- der. We stand with those who fight for us. This is why the European Par- liament is calling for a Special Tribunal to be set up that can bring all those responsible for war crimes to justice - crimes that have no statute of limita- tions. Crimes that we cannot turn a blind eye to. This is why the European Un- ion must push on with sanc- tions on Russia, individuals and entities that support Putin's il- legal war, and why we must put pressure on other countries and private companies that still deal with the Kremlin. There can be no business as usual with Russia. Looking ahead, the Europe- an Parliament wants to start planning for liberation day. For EU membership for Ukraine. An aim, to which each candi- date country has its own path, but one to which we should open the negotiations as soon as possible. The perspective of membership will help, not only morally and symbolically, but also when it comes to the re- building of a free Ukraine. This will not only relate to the enormous physical recon- struction of Ukraine, but also its administrative, governance and justice systems. It will re- quire hard work and difficult reforms. It will require change and bold decisions. The European Parliament and a multitude of EU programmes can help. But if the last year has proved anything, it is that the Ukrainian people are among the bravest, most resilient and impressive examples of a peo- ple fighting and beating the odds. They deserve our unwa- vering support. We belong to- gether. Ukraine is Europe. Eu- rope is Ukraine. Ukraine is Europe Courage, strength, resolve: Roberta Metsola met Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv

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