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MALTATODAY 5 March 2023

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 5 MARCH 2023 10 COMMERICAL Atlas Insurance launches collaboration with swimmer and ocean activist Neil Agius ATLAS Insurance is delighted to announce a collaboration with renowned swimmer, ocean activ- ist and world record holder Neil Agius. This collaboration will see Mr Agius featuring in a new Atlas brand campaign, whilst the company will be supporting Mr Agius in his upcoming events, as well as collaborating on other in- itiatives that will directly involve TeamAtlas. This collaboration was an- nounced to all staff at the Atlas Head Office by the company's Managing Director and CEO Matthew von Brockdorff as well as Neil Agius himself. TeamAtlas members were given an exclusive preview of the new campaign. Mr Agius then toured the Atlas office with Mr von Brockdorff to meet TeamAtlas members. 36-year-old Neil Agius is a re- nowned swimmer and former Olympic athlete whose speciali- sation is long-distance freestyle events. Aside from participating in athletic and Olympic swim- ming events, Neil Agius became renowned for his ultra-long dis- tance swims. In June 2021, he completed a massive and unprec- edented swim between the Med- iterranean island of Linosa and Xlendi Bay in Gozo – a distance of almost 126km in just over 52 hours - establishing a new world record for the longest continuous unassisted open water swim. A year earlier, he became the second person in history to swim the across the Malta Channel – the sea between Sicily and Malta, arriving in Balluta Bay in St Ju- lian's in just over 28 hours, after setting off from Ragusa. Aside from his mammoth swimming achievements, Mr Agius is also a prominent ocean activist and has used his endeav- ours in the open seas to highlight the problem of pollution and pol- lutants in the seas and oceans. These endeavours eventually formed the Wave of Change initiative, a movement of peo- ple taking action to bring about change by raising awareness on the impact of daily decisions and inspire choices that are driven by sustainability. Atlas Insurance will be organis- ing events for TeamAtlas mem- bers in line with Mr Agius's ini- tiatives related to sustainability, the drive against pollution as well as health and wellbeing. Atlas Insurance CEO Matthew von Brockdorff commented: "This campaign is part of some- thing bigger. Atlas is entering into a collaboration with Neil Agius, whose values really reso- nate with our own. We are real- ly pleased to be supporting and working hand in hand with Neil over the coming year." Mr von Brockdorff added that the main message behind the new Atlas brand campaign is the importance of having a team of people who you can trust be- hind you: "Neil wouldn't be able to achieve what he did without the support of his team, who are there for his training, early wake ups, as well as during the highs and the lows. Just like all of us at Atlas, we are there for our clients, ready to help and support, build genuine relationships and pro- vide the excellent customer ser- vice which we are known for." Neil Agius added: "I'm very ex- cited to have Atlas Insurance by my side through this journey. Upon meeting with Matthew and his team, I immediately felt that our core values are very aligned and I am looking forward to working closely with TeamAtlas in the coming year." Atlas customers as well as the general public are encouraged to follow the Atlas Insurance pages on social media to keep up to date on the collaboration between At- las and Neil Agius, viewing the behind the scenes footage as well as to be aware of announcements of collaboration events in the coming months. Atlas CEO Matthew von Brockdorff (left) together with swimmer and ocean activist Neil Agius prior to touring the company's head office The definition of RED BLACK, white, beige, gold... and RED. The ultimate sym- bol of beauty, inextricably linked to House's history and to its grammar of style, red ex- emplifies the CHANEL's pas- sion for colour. Worn proudly or slipped on like a discreet punctuation mark, it speaks volumes about the power and freedom— of movement and of thought—that Gabrielle Chanel wanted to give women when she created her first lip- stick in 1924. Allure and singularity The first woman in fashion to truly embrace this beauty product, Mademoiselle had a vision that combined aesthet- ics, simplicity, and practical- ity. She took that vision and ran, giving lipstick its very own compartment in her iconic handbag, which has since be- come essential. To its existing allure and mobility, CHANEL added a visionary sense of daring, introducing never-be- fore-seen shades of red, color variations inspired by eras to come, inspired by a socie- ty that evolves at a woman's pace. Red, like an echo of the epoch, a reflection of the lives and personalities of women— all women. Red, like a faceted mirror for their emotions and desires, an expression of their singular nature, their allure, and the endless possibilities available to them. Wise to all its secrets and sub- tleties, the House is taking the color red to new heights with two interpretations that, now more than ever, demonstrate its singularity and plurality. In January 2023, CHANEL is making ROUGE ALLURE VELVET the gold standard for lipstick: 20 hues lay the founda- tion for a new, essential shade range, designed to showcase every personality and comple- ment every skin tone.

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