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MALTATODAY 9 April 2023

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NEWS 16 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 9 APRIL 2023 JAMES DEBONO THE Jerma developers in Marsas- kala will have to study the impact of rising sea levels on their project, a screening report by the environ- ment watchdog suggests. The excavation of two basement levels near the shoreline may "in- troduce significant long-term implications in relation to vulner- ability to sea level rise", the Envi- ronment and Resources Authority said. The screening report is the first step before the terms of reference for the Environmental Impact As- sessment of the project are set. The proposed basements are just 0.61m above mean sea level, according to a Project Develop- ment Statement presented by the developers. In view of the possible impact, the ERA concluded that the EIA should address this issue. It also said rising sea levels should be "factored during the design of the basements". The project consisting of two eight storey blocks incorporating 259 serviced apartments and 155 dwellings is expected to provide 427 car parking spaces and 135 ga- rages for residences on two base- ment levels. Other hotel amenities and com- mercial space will also be located at basement level. The basement level will extend beneath the exist- ing road which will be converted into an open space. The EIA will also assess the im- pact of the project on air quality. The development is expected to generate a daily increase of 3,533 vehicle trips to the area. According to ERA the "increase in the number of vehicles and in- crease in traffic, during operation, are expected to have an impact on air quality" and "thus further stud- ies on this aspect are required". With respect to noise, the pro- posal is expected to increase the noise levels by more than 3dB, particularly through traffic gen- eration along Triq is-Salini. In this regard, a noise study for road traffic is required for Triq is-Sa- lini, Triq it-Torri and Triq il-Ka- takombi to assess the potential traffic noise impact during peak hours. Preliminary studies by the devel- oper have also indicated that the project will generate 32,535 cubic metres of demolition waste from the derelict building and an addi- tional 25,557 cubic metres of inert waste because of the excavation of the site. The ERA is the regulatory au- thority which ultimately decides whether applicants must submit an EIA or not. In this case, the scale of the environmental im- pacts of the project was deemed to warrant such a study. The results must be published before any de- cision on the project is taken by the Planning Authority. Study to investigate impact of rising sea levels on Jerma development

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