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5 NEWS 4.5.2023 MALTA Enterprise, in collaboration with the Ministry for Environment, En- ergy and Enterprise, the Environment & Resources Authority (ERA), and the Malta Business Bureau (MBB), held an online session to discuss with industry operators the impact of the proposed EU legislation on Packaging and Pack- aging of Waste. Kurt Farrugia, CEO of Malta Enter- prise, opened the session by emphasis- ing the importance of businesses famil- iarizing themselves with the provisions introduced under the draft regulation. He urged companies to prepare for the changes by understanding the new leg- islation. Maria Alonso Bomba from ERA gave a comprehensive presentation on the new concepts arising from this pro- posal, detailing requirements and obli- gations that economic operators must address to comply with the regulation once enacted. Gabriel Cassar from MBB presented the findings of an impact assessment re- port, highlighting crucial recommenda- tions from various economic operators. Ing. Mario Schembri, Managing Direc- tor at AIS Environment, spoke about the necessary improvements to achieve sustainable practices, promote the cir- cular economy, and ways to stimulate its development. e session concluded with a Q&A, allowing participants to express their views and concerns. As the regulation is still in its ear- ly stages, further discussions will take place, and Malta Enterprise will keep participants informed about updates from the Commission. Josephine Vassallo Parnis, Head of the EU Affairs Unit at Malta Enterprise, moderated the event. The impact of the EU's packaging and packaging of waste regulation Economic operators must address requirements and obligations to comply with the proposed regulation, once enacted FOCAL Maritime Services, who was recently appointed general agent for Admiral Container Lines of Turkey, on Wednesday welcomed the first call of this service, when the m/v AIPP GOLD called at Malta Freeport Ter- minals for the first time. Through this service, this shipping line will operate to and from Malta with a fortnightly service, connecting the island to major ports in Turkey, Greece, Tunisia, Spain, Israel, Roma- nia and Egypt. On this special occasion, Anton Xer- ri, General Manager of Focal Mar- itime, and Jesmond Abela, Deputy General Manager, welcomed the Cap- tain of the AIPP Gold and his crew to Malta, boarding the vessel to present a gift in remembrance of this special occasion. Admiral Container Lines is a leading shipping line in short sea trades and is also well known as an independent feeder operator to global ocean car- riers who require local solutions of moving their containers in Admiral's service range. This collaboration be- tween Focal Maritime and Admiral will significantly expand the service options for importers and exporters based in Malta to source and deliver their products throughout the Med- iterranean, Eastern Europe and be- yond. Throughout the past years, Admiral has proactively invested in sustain- able long-term solutions including through emission reduction technol- ogies and in the digitalisation of ser- vices for cargo and schedule tracking. Godwin Xerri, Managing Director of Focal Maritime said: "The trust placed in our company by a reputable ship- ping line such as Admiral Container Lines is of important significance for us and for the wider Maltese maritime industry. It is a testament to the qual- ity of service that our company is syn- onymous with and above all, enables us to offer additional services to our clients". First Admiral Container Lines vessel calls in Malta Anton Xerri, General Manager of Focal Maritime, and Jesmond Abela, Deputy General Manager, welcomed the Captain of the AIPP Gold and his crew to Malta

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