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3 NEWS 1.6.2023 FROM PAGE 1 In October, the four siblings to key positions within the Group. Robert Debono took on the role of CEO, vowing to drive the Group's ro- bust business and investment strategy to consolidate financial success on all fronts. Lawyer David Debono, became chief legal officer, overseeing all legal mat- ters as well as HR; Alan Debono was appointed chief procurment and ac- counring officer, taking charge of fi- nancial and purchasing policy and execution; Victoria Debono became Brands Manager, tasked with nurtur- ing and expanding the group's Maltese and global brand portfolio. Whem contact then, Silvio Debono said the success of the db Group was due to having always remained true to its roots, taking risks but embracing 'Maltese prudence'. "As a Group we remained with both feet firmly planted on the ground. We know where we're going because we never forget where we came from. at's our hallmark," he told Business- Today. "So while we think big and take substantial business risks, we always do so with ingrained Maltese prudence." Debono started his business from scratch. As a 14-year-old he used to collect discarded soft drink bottles from Għadira to redeem them for cents. "Still a teenager, from being a bar- man I took the plunge and took over the bar where I worked," he said. "en I managed to scrape enough funds to run a tiny guest house and from there we never looked back. Today, we have around 4,500 people working with us." Asked whether he regretting any- thing in his business life, Debono said he had always been inspired and driven by success. "I love making a success of things as much as I love seeing other people doing the same, even competitors," he said. "What I regret is that there's a dark streak in certain people which leads them to denigrate and put down the success of others." Welcome news On Wednesday, the Group welcomed news that Chief Justice Mark Chetcuti ruled against local councils and NGOs who filed court challenges to the devel- opment of the DB project on the ITS site in Pembroke, which can now go ahead in the form previously approved by the Planning Authority. e verdict "brings an end to eight years of scrutiny by various courts, tri- bunals and authorities", a spokesper- son said. "is has been one of the most scru- tinized projects in local history, and the truth has finally prevailed. We now look forward to delivering this world- class project." Chief Justice Chetcuti handed down two decisions on Wednesday morning, ending a years-long battle by NGOs and residents to stop the development from moving forward. e appeals, the first by residents and NGOs, including Moviment Graffitti, Din L-Art Helwa and Friends of the Earth Malta, against DB, the ERA and the PA , the second by the Pembroke St. Julians and Swieqi Local Councils, as well as the aforementioned NGOs and residents, had been filed after their objections were rejected by the Envi- ronment and Planning Review Tribu- nal in December 2021. Proposed in 2017, the plans for the site include the construction of a 386 room 5-star hotel rooms in a 12-storey hotel, as well as 179 residences housed in two towers, 17 and 18 storeys high. e plans also included office space, a shopping mall, restaurants and a car park. Residents and NGOs have cam- paigned against the project for years, arguing that it will have a negative impact on both the environment and the quality of life of residents in neigh- bouring areas. Chief Justice Mark Chetcuti, presid- ing the Court of Appeal in its inferior jurisdiction, rejected the appeal with costs Wednesday morning. e judgment states that the NGOs were correct in claiming that the EPRT tribunal was wrong to take the Hotel Height Limitation Adjustment Policy and FAR policy as a "subject plan," that supersedes the applicable local plan, because the wording of both docu- ments indicated that one was a policy and the other a policy guideline. However the judge went on to note that the NGO's argument had not been about this, but about whether the ITS project had failed to follow the stipula- tions of the local plan itself. "ese are not legal issues, but planning issues, which the Tribunal has addressed. erefore this court cannot and should not address issues which extend be- yond its legal powers." Lawyer Claire Bonello appeared for the appellants. Lawyers Ian Stafrace and Stefano Filletti represented DB group. THE Chamber of Engineers organ- ised the milestone 30th Annual En- gineering Conference, Engineering: The Key to the Future, which ad- dressed the themes of innovation, sustainability and digitalisation. The Chamber's President Malcolm Zammit opened the 30th edition and was followed by a special recorded message by The President of The European Parliament, Roberta Met- sola. The opening session of the confer- ence featured an address from the Minister for Public Works and Plan- ning, Stefan Zrinzo-Azzopardi and Opposition Spokesperson for Infra- structure and Public Works, Ryan Callus. The conference included the partic- ipation of 24 local and international speakers across the 10 presentations and three discussion panels held throughout the programme. Du ring his opening address, the President of the Chamber, Malcolm Zammit highlighted that the CoE Council opted to select three topical subjects which are fundamental to engineers and vice versa. He further emphasized that engi- neers are catalysts of technological development and innovation, that engineers have the ability to change the world and that engineers are in- deed essential for Malta's economy. He concluded his speech by issuing a call to Malta's leaders to seek further advice from engineers and to care- fully formulate policies which allow society to benefit as much as possi- ble from the engineering profession. Chamber of Engineers holds milestone 30th Annual Engineering Conference The DB project on the ITS site in Pembroke can now go ahead in the form previously approved by the Planning Authority db Group's Pembroke project to go ahead as Court dismisses appeals Chamber of Engineers President Malcolm Zammit