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MaltaToday 7 June 2023 MIDWEEK

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3 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 7 JUNE 2023 NEWS The general public is informed that in terms of the Malta Stock Exchange Bye-Laws, the Audited Financial Statements of Malta Stock Exchange plc for the period ended 31 st December 2022 have been published on the company's website. The Annual Report including the Audited Financial Statements is available for viewing on the MSE's website at The Audited Financial Statements are also available in printed format upon request. Garrison Chapel, Castille Place, Valletta VLT 1063, Malta. Tel: +356 21244051 E-mail: Notification in terms of the Malta Stock Exchange Bye-Laws KURT SANSONE JUDGE Edwina Grima has warned lawyers in the Yorgen Fenech murder case not to leak any evidence to the media or third parties. In a new decree on Monday, the judge clarified that her ruling of 29 November 2021 prohibiting the publication or dissemination of documents in the case still stands. The judge's new decree came 48 hours after The Shift News published a misleading story on Saturday suggesting that the judge had ruled that Fenech's WhatsApp chats are not banned and their publication is permitted. Grima clarified that no docu- ments in the case, unless pre- sented in open court, can be published in any media, includ- ing social media. However, the judge also stressed that her order applies to all lawyers involved in the case. "The court prohibits the par- ties in the case and their respec- tive lawyers to pass on copies of these documents to third par- ties, whoever they may be, even if they are people not involved in the media, unless granted special permission to do so by the court," Grima ruled. Judges are normally very pru- dent in the language they use and the mere fact that Grima chose to emphasise that her de- cree also applies to lawyers has been interpreted by people in the legal profession as a stern rebuke. The ruling comes after a cache of WhatsApp chats extracted from Yorgen Fenech's mobile phone were published by blog- ger Mark Camilleri some weeks ago. The chats were exchanges between Fenech and then La- bour MP Rosianne Cutajar. Subsequently, MaltaToday's managing director Saviour Balzan lifted the lid on at- tempts by lawyer Jason Az- zopardi to blackmail him by disseminating chats obtained from Fenech's phone. Balzan said several exchang- es he had with Fenech back in 2019 before the businessman was arrested and charged with Daphne Caruana Galizia's mur- der were leaked to select jour- nalists and bloggers. Balzan pointed his finger at Azzopardi for the leaks. The lawyer represents the Caruana Galizia family as parte civile in murder proceedings against Fenech. As a party to the case, Azzopardi enjoys privileged ac- cess to all documents and evi- dence. Judge in Yorgen Fenech murder case warns lawyers not to leak evidence In what is considered as a stern rebuke to lawyers in the Yorgen Fenech murder case, Judge Edwina Grima reiterates that documents cannot be published or shared with third parties Judge Edwina Grima (inset) has decreed that documents in the Yorgen Fenech (pictured) murder case cannot be published or shared

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