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MaltaToday 7 June 2023 MIDWEEK

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6 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 7 JUNE 2023 NEWS NEWS IN April 2023, the seasonally adjusted volume of retail trade remained unchanged in the euro area and increased by 0.1% in the EU, compared with March 2023, according to estimates from Eu- rostat, the statistical office of the European Union. In March 2023, the retail trade volume de- creased by 0.4% in the euro area and by 0.5% in the EU. In April 2023 compared with April 2022, the calendar adjust- ed retail sales index decreased by 2.6% in the euro area and by 2.9% in the EU. Monthly comparison In the euro area in April 2023, compared with March 2023, the volume of retail trade in- creased by 0.5% for non-food products, while it decreased by 0.5% for food, drinks and to- bacco and by 2.3% for automo- tive fuels. In the EU, the volume of re- tail trade increased by 0.6% for non-food products, while it decreased by 0.4% for food, drinks and tobacco and by 2.2% for automotive fuels. Among Member States for which data are available, the highest monthly increases in the total retail trade volume were registered in the Croatia (+3.4%), Luxembourg (+3.3%) and Sweden (+3.1%). The larg- est decreases were observed in Slovakia (-5.8%), Romania (-3.7%) and Slovenia (-2.4%). Annual comparison In the euro area in April 2023, compared with April 2022, the volume of retail trade decreased by 4.4% for food, drinks and tobacco, by 1.8% for automotive fuels and by 1.1% for non-food products. In the EU, the retail trade volume decreased by 4.6% for food, drinks and tobacco, by 2.3% for automotive fuels and by 1.5% for non-food products. Among Member States for which data are available, the largest yearly decreases in the total retail trade volume were registered in Hungary (-12.6%), Estonia (-10.0%) and Slovakia (-9.8%). The highest increases were observed in Cyprus (+9.4%), Spain (+7.8%) and Luxembourg (+6.0%). IN April 2023, industrial pro- ducer prices fell by 3.2% in the euro area and by 2.9% in the EU, compared with March 2023, ac- cording to estimates from Eu- rostat, the statistical office of the European Union. In March 2023, prices decreased by 1.3% in both the euro area and the EU. In April 2023, compared with April 2022, industrial producer prices increased by 1.0% in the euro area and by 2.3% in the EU. Industrial producer prices in the euro area in April 2023, compared with March 2023, decreased by 10.1% in the en- ergy sector and by 0.6% for in- termediate goods, while prices increased by 0.2% for durable consumer goods, by 0.3% for non durable consumer goods and by 0.4% for capital goods. Prices in total industry exclud- ing energy decreased by 0.1%. In the EU, industrial producer prices decreased by 8.9% in the energy sector and by 0.6% for intermediate goods, while pric- es increased by 0.1% for du- rable consumer goods and by 0.4% for both capital goods and non durable consumer goods. Prices in total industry exclud- ing energy decreased by 0.2%. The largest monthly decreas- es in industrial producer pric- es were recorded in Belgium (-9.1%), Italy (-6.5%) and Ire- land ( 6.3%), while increases were observed in Germany (+0.3%), Denmark (+0.2%) as well as Greece, Cyprus, Malta and Slovenia (all +0.1%). Industrial producer prices in the euro area in April 2023, compared with April 2022, in- creased by 10.9% for non du- rable consumer goods, by 7.3% for durable consumer goods, by 6.1% for capital goods and by 1.3% for intermediate goods, while prices decreased by 8.9% in the energy sector. Prices in total industry excluding energy increased by 5.1%. In the EU, industrial producer prices increased by 11.3% for non durable consumer goods, by 7.0% for durable consum- er goods, by 6.1% for capital goods and by 1.5% for interme- diate goods, while prices de- creased by 5.6% in the energy sector. Prices in total industry excluding energy increased by 5.3%. The highest annual increas- es in industrial producer pric- es were recorded in Hungary (+41.7%), Latvia (+22.7%) and Slovakia (+18.2%). The largest decreases were observed in Ire- land (-21.4%), Greece (-13.1%) and Belgium (-6.8%). Retail trade up by 0.1% in the EU in April Industrial producer prices down 3.2% in euro area Up by 1.0% in the euro area and by 2.3% in the EU compared with April 2022 Down by 2.6% in the euro area and by 2.9% in the EU compared with April 2022 In the EU, the volume of retail trade increased by 0.4% for food

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