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4 NEWS 29.6.2023 A new publication detailing the rich his- tory and innovative transformation of the iconic Farsons brewery was launched on Tuesday evening, with an engaging discussion between leading architects on the project and the state of architecture in Malta. Published by the UK-based publishing house Unicorn, the book, titled "Renew- al Architects: e Transformation of Farsons Brewery Malta," offers new in- sights into the design philosophy behind both e Brewhouse and Trident Park projects, both of which are also being in- augurated this week. e two stunning projects have seen one of Malta's finest 20th-century in- dustrial sites transformed into a vibrant green office campus and world-class business destination. Spearheaded by ritchie*studio, led by the renowned architect Ian Ritchie, in collaboration with Alex Torpiano's en- gineering-focused Maltese practice TBA Periti, and environmental physicist Doug King, the transformation of the iconic Art Deco site was inspired by Maltese palace gardens and the island's vernacu- lar buildings. In an opening address, Farsons Group Chairman Louis A. Farrugia described the project as "a masterpiece of form, light, shade, sustainability, and environ- mental engineering". "Architects possess the unique ability to shape the physical environment that surrounds us," Farrugia said. "ey craft spaces that inspire, engage, and uplift our spirits. e Brewhouse and Trident Park embody this vision, seamlessly harmonising with nature and setting a new standard for future pro- jects." "e architects who create these plac- es that we inhabit, shape the physical environment that surrounds us. ey create spaces that inspire, engage, and uplift our spirits. In their hands, steel, glass, and concrete become conduits for human expression and collective ex- periences," he said. "is is particularly true of e Brewhouse and Trident Park - sustainable structures that harmonize so effortlessly with nature and I feel have set a new standard for future projects to aspire to." e book launch held on Tuesday evening at Trident Park took the form of an engaging discussion between leading architects, engineers, and thinkers. e discussion was moderated by Paul Finch OBE, Founder and Programme Director of the World Architecture Fes- tival, and former editor of the Architects' Journal and Architectural Review. Professor Richard England, a renowned architect, artist, poet, and author, intro- duced the event. Powerful antidotes to Malta's current trend towards high-rise structures England said the low-lying Trident Park building and regenerated 1950s Farsons brewery - a masterly and iconic example of an early reinforced concrete industri- al structure - are powerful antidotes to Malta's current trend towards high-rise structures. ese, he said, were often built by de- velopers with little regard or respect for the island's historical low-lying skyline. "It's a long time since I visited a build- ing in Malta which made me smile, to- day I really did smile," he said. "Trident Park and e Brewhouse are examples of thinking globally but acting locally." England was later joined in a panel by Prof Ritchie whose London-based prac- tice has received over 100 national and international awards. He has worked on world-famous pro- jects including; e Louvre Pyramids and Sculpture Courts and La Villette Science City in Paris, e Reina Sofia Museum of Modern Art in Madrid, e Dublin Spire, and now e Brewhouse and Trident Park in Malta. Ritchie said the project is the culmina- tion of collaboration with various part- ners, not least of whom were the clients who played a central role throughout. He said the book not only celebrates the history of the site, but the journey of re- imaging and reinventing the space. "We have in this book, the background and context of families involved in creat- ing wonderful buildings, and wonderful beer. e book is about the optimism of being able to do projects like this," he said. Prof Ritchie also explained how one of the major challenges of regenerating the original site was not knowing what lay beneath the surface of its concrete struc- tures. Meanwhile, the discussion included Mi- chael Farrugia, Director of SFC plc and Trident Estates plc, who led the trans- formative projects of e Brewhouse and Trident Park. Farrugia detailed the lengthy regeneration process which first began in 2004. "What we wanted was a partner who shared our vision and hopes for this space. After a very lengthy pro- cess, we found the perfect team," he said. Joining Farrugia was Professor Alex Torpiano, Dean of the Faculty for the Built Environment and director of TBA Periti. Societies with constrained resources need to become resourceful-- Professor Doug King, an accomplished chartered engineer, physicist, environ- mentalist, and innovator, was the final member of the panel to join in the dis- cussion. "Coming to Malta, it quickly becomes evident that societies with constrained resources need to become resourceful - they need to design and build with re- sourcefulness rather than an excess of re- sources," Prof King said. 'Renewal Architects: e Transformation of Farsons Brewery Malta' is available at the Farsons Brand Store for €30. Celebrated architect Ian Ritchie releases book detailing Farsons brewery transformation Architects Ian Ritchie (left) and Professor Richard England

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