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MALTATODAY 24 September 2023

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 24 SEPTEMBER 2023 THIS IS A PAID COLLABORATION Local and Regional councils should re- main relevant in our society as they are a reference point for residents and the lo- cality. Therefore, the Government's com- mitment to strengthen local councils is delineating itself through sustaining the administrative core of Local Councils. In recent weeks, two events were organ- ised to help kickstart the implementa- tion phase of the National Strategic Vi- sion. Indeed, 48 executive secretaries for lo- cal government have been assimilated in the public service, following last year's signing of a new collective agreement for Local and Regional councils' exec- utive secretaries. This is another step forward to enhance the administrative aspects within the Local Government sector. Such investment seeks to im- prove the quality of services provided by both Local and Regional Councils. This is now possible as the Government remains determined to consolidate the role of the executive secretaries as part of the public service. Through this ap- pointment, the executive secretaries will have more security and peace of mind in their respective roles. The duty of Executive Secretaries is one that involves several responsibil- ities including that of chief executive, administrative and financial roles within the Council. Continuously, the executive secretary is responsible in compiling and signing of the minutes of Council's meetings. Moreover, the executive sec- retary submits administrative reports annually whilst responsibly oversees the implementation of decisions confirmed by the council. Furthermore, the execu- tive secretary assures that the funds allo- cated are invested in the most effective and efficient manner. Consequently, the executive secretar- ies are being more present and active in addressing the challenges and needs of their respective citizens within their lo- cality. During the appointment of the ex- ecutive secretaries as public officials, the Parliamentary Secretariat for Local Gov- ernment Alison Zerafa Civelli supported the importance of recognising the es- sential role of executive secretaries with- in our communities through their official appointment in the public service. Ad- ditionally, the President for the National Association for Executive Secretaries of Local and Regional Councils, Paul Gatt maintained that the appointment as an officer within the public service leads to more dedication and accountability from executive secretaries as this will be reflected within the public service. Apart from this recognition toward the executive secretaries, the Association for Local Councils in collaboration with the Parliamentary Secretariat for Local Gov- ernment held a plenary meeting. During this meeting, various stakeholders of Lo- cal Government discussed present com- mon needs and opportunities for Local Councils. Hence, the presence of region- al council presidents, mayors, coun- cilors, executive secretaries, and admin- istrative staff of the councils facilitated a more open discussion. Furthermore, the stakeholders also had the chance to discuss the 30th anniversary from the es- tablishment of the Local Councils. These meetings always serve to discuss current trends but also to present an opportuni- ty for stakeholders in sharing best prac- tices in tackling challenges and adopting them for the benefit of residents from a wider perspective. During this plenary session, the pres- ent stakeholders had the opportunity to share their ideas whilst participating in one of the five workshops. The themes of these workshops were: • Local Government - Work aimed for the improvement of the resi- dents' quality of life. • Human Resources and Adequate Financial Planning for Local Gov- ernment. • A Plan to strengthen both the ad- ministrative and elected roles. • Good Governance for more effec- tive results. • The Local Councils' Association Role. Present for this meeting, Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government, Alison Zerafa Civelli spoke on how such meet- ings are intended to improve dialogue between all stakeholders. Such discus- sions are necessary for the local gov- ernment to adapt to the diverse needs faced in its daily routine. Additionally, the Parliamentary Secretary encouraged the stakeholders that these positive at- titudes are resulting in councils achiev- ing high standards in good governance whilst also improving the quality of ser- vice for both residents and localities. The President for the Local Councils' Association, Mario Fava, added that such meetings benefit stakeholders in com- prehending their role in being closer to the residents. Furthermore, Mario Fava remarked that the Association remains committed in being of assistance to the local and regional councils to assure a positive outreach in the lives of resi- dents. The Government clearly remains com- mitted that Local and Regional councils are a relevant component within our localities. Events such as the plenary meeting and the investment of the exec- utive secretaries as public officers are in accordance with the National Strategic vision. The aim of this vision is the develop- ment of local governments in improv- ing the quality of life of residents and our communities. Consequently, the Parliamentary Secretariat for Local Gov- ernment will sustain the importance of Local and Regional Councils so that the goals identified in the Strategic Vision are met effectively. Local Government - strengthening local and regional council structures The National Strategic Vision for Local Government clearly suggests that the Government is determined to continue strengthening the roles of Local and Regional Councils

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