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NEWS 14 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 27 SEPTEMBER 2023 THE European Week of Sport is being celebrated this week. Rose Marie Mercieca, Coordi- nator of the European Week of Sport within SportMalta ex- plained that this is an initiative by the European Commission aimed at promoting physi- cal activity through sports in all European Union member states. Recognising the importance of combating sedentary life- styles, the initiative emphasizes the need for regular and active living. This year's European Week of Sport focuses on various themes including schools, workplaces, fitness centers, sports organizations, and com- munity engagement through local governments and outdoor activities. In this regard, SportMalta organised two flagship events: the BeActive Night emphasis- es fitness as the primary focus. The event included a walk from Kalkara, followed by a fitness challenge with over 300 regis- tered athletes, fitness sessions for the public, and a water polo tournament in an Olym- pic-sized pool. The main National Event, set for Sunday afternoon at the Marsa Sports Grounds, will transform the grounds into a sports village featuring more than 20 different sporting dis- ciplines. In collaboration with Sport- Malta, various sports clubs and organisations are also organis- ing their own events, encour- aging more and more people to be active through sports. This year, SportMalta is part- nering with several fitness centers, opening their doors for free sessions on Saturday, September 30th, with the aim of encouraging regular exer- cise. Recognising that workplac- es, schools, and homes have become places where people spend a significant portion of their time, SportMalta is seiz- ing the opportunity to organ- ise activities in these environ- ments and brainstorming ideas on how individuals can remain active in such settings. To this end, SportMalta is hosting var- ious team-building physical ac- tivities in workplaces and the SportMalta National Schools Sports Day on October 13th, where schools across the na- tion are invited to participate. Over the years, SportMalta has also produced numerous video clips under the BeActi- veAtHome initiative, catering to those who prefer to exercise in the comfort of their homes. Minister Clifton Grima thanked all the employees of SportMalta for their efforts in promoting sports and physical activity. He emphasised the signifi- cance of the European Week of Sport, an annual event that is now a fixture on the calendar. SportMalta has been tirelessly working to convey a strong and vital message about the impor- tance of sports and active liv- ing for community health and well-being. The Permanent Secretary in the education ministry, Matthew Vella, began by ex- pressing his gratitude towards SportMalta for their dedicated efforts in promoting sports and ensuring that more people in Malta lead active and healthy lifestyles. He emphasized that SportMalta's mission to raise awareness about the impor- tance of sports and active liv- ing for community health and well-being is commendable. Vella stressed that physical activity doesn't necessarily mean engaging in competitive sports; it can also involve par- ticipating in activities available within local communities, as exemplified by the European Week of Sport organized by SportMalta. Furthermore, he highlighted ongoing efforts to encourage physical activity among public sector employees in Valletta, with the aim of fostering great- er activity levels and improved well-being. SportMalta celebrates European Week of Sport Minister Clifton Grima JCI Malta, tthe internation- al organisation dedicated to nurturing enterprising young leaders, announces the "Men- tal Health Awareness Expo" scheduled to take place on Saturday, 7 October 2023, at The Notch Conference Cen- tre within the Urban Valley Resort & Spa in San Gwann. During a week-long event from 2 to 6 October, JCI Mal- ta will host several initiatives related to mental wellness ranging from a yoga course by Claire Yoga Malta to insight- ful talks. The main event, the Mental Health Awareness Expo, on 7 October will fea- ture an art exhibition show- casing the works of local art- ist Claire Farrugia. Alongside this artistic display, attend- ees can participate in vari- ous talks addressing mental health, explore a compre- hensive expo highlighting the available support systems for mental health in Malta, as well as take the opportunity to unwind at the Chat Bar provided by Willingness. A remarkable finding sug- gests that individuals in Mal- ta are less likely to report suffering from depression in comparison to the European average. JCI Malta aims to utilise this expo as a platform to not only raise awareness about mental health but al- so to make discussions sur- rounding mental well-being more approachable and fos- ter understanding. More information can be found on events/mental-health/ This project is funded by the Small Initiatives Support Scheme (SIS) managed by the Malta Council for the Vol- untary Sector (MCVS) sup- ported by the Ministry for Inclusion, Voluntary Organi- sations and Consumer Rights (MIVC). JCI Malta hosts mental health awareness expo: Bridging gaps and fostering conversations