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BUSINESS TODAY 2 November 2023

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4 NEWS 2.11.2023 TRADEMALTA, in collaboration with HSBC Malta, is excited to intro- duce the Global Growth programme, an initiative tailored for seasoned ex- porters with a clear vision and strategy for international expansion. is pro- gramme underscores both organisa- tions' unwavering commitment to bol- stering Malta's presence on the global business stage. e Global Growth programme offers a comprehensive suite of support for selected companies. ese business- es will have the opportunity to travel abroad to engage with potential clients, participate in international fairs and conferences, and receive assistance in designing, developing, and translating international marketing materials. Additionally, they can benefit from the development and SEO optimi- sation of their company websites for targeted markets, undertake thorough international market research, engage business development partners in spe- cific target markets, and even host po- tential clients for brief visits in Malta. A competitive call for applications will open in October and November, with a focus on activities planned for the calendar year 2024. Successful applicants will be eligi- ble for co-funding of up to 50% of ap- proved expenses, with a generous cap set at €10,000. Anton Buttigieg, CEO of TradeMalta, expressed his enthusiasm at the launch of the programme: "e Global Growth programme is a testament of our ded- ication to supporting Malta's experi- enced exporters. With HSBC Malta by our side, we are confident in providing these businesses with the tools and re- sources they need to make a significant impact in their target markets." Joyce Grech, Head of Commercial Banking at HSBC, added, "Our collab- oration with TradeMalta on the Global Growth programme aligns seamless- ly with HSBC's mission to champion local businesses in their international endeavours. HSBC's international con- nectivity and invaluable market insight have, over the years, been instrumen- tal in supporting hundreds of Maltese businesses in their international ambi- tions'. TradeMalta and HSBC Malta unveil global growth programme for advanced exporters 140 delegates attend MAPFRE, University of Malta conference MORE than 140 delegates gathered for the MAPFRE Conference in collabora- tion with the University of Malta. is extraordinary event, entitled " Current Pensions Landscape and Future Sustainability" was a joint effort between MAPFRE, the University of Malta's De- partment of Insurance and Risk Manage- ment, and counted with the participation of Bank of Valletta (BOV). is conference was not just another run-of-the-mill event; it was a captivat- ing exploration of the future of pensions in Malta, ensuring financial security for both individuals and organizations. Ines da Silva, the HR Chief Officer of MAP- FRE Malta, expressed immense pride in spearheading this groundbreaking con- ference, uniting experts and stakeholders to address critical pension issues. Dr. Gordon Cordina, Chairman of BOV and MMSV Life, emphasized the pivot- al role pensions play in securing a stable retirement for individuals and how they empower employers to invest in their employees' futures, ultimately bolstering their competitiveness in today's demand- ing job market. Professor Frank Bezzina, the Pro-Rector of the University of Malta, highlighted the vital importance of investigating the cur- rent state of pensions in Malta and plot- ting a course toward future sustainability. e University of Malta's active involve- ment in this conference underscored its commitment to this cause. e conference featured distinguished international experts, including Dr. Pat- rick Ring, who delved into pension poli- cies, reform, and financial regulation in other leading jurisdictions. Gonzalo de Cadenas Santiago provided insights into global geoeconomics and sectorial dy- namics to help navigate these uncertain times. Eduardo Ripolles de la Pena shed light on the significance of Environmen- tal, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors and their impact on the future sustaina- bility of pensions. David Spiteri Gingell addressed pension reform and the national strategy on finan- cial capability, which led to the creation of ĠEMMA, a noteworthy development in the pension landscape. Notably, the conference boasted a lineup of distinguished local keynote speakers, including Petra Ellul Mercer and Adrian Sacco from the Ministry of Social Policy, who explored individuals' perceptions of investing in personal pension plans and the current local pension situation. Ber- nard Attard and Victoria Muscat from PwC offered valuable insights into the accounting and tax implications of pen- sions. e discussions that followed these en- gaging presentations were expertly mod- erated by Rebecca Dalli Gonzi and fea- tured the active participation of Marthese Portelli from the Malta Chamber of Com- merce, Tonia Parascandalo from BOV, Michael Galea from MAPFRE MSV Life, and Eduardo Ripolles de la Pena. Togeth- er, they added depth and insight to the conference, making it a truly enlightening and forward-thinking event.

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