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4 NEWS 4 CLAIRVOYANT Mr TOURE a Marabout clairvoyant medium healer and Exorcist with an exceptional gift. Specialising in disenchantment, voodoo protection against dangers, couple problems return of a loved one, impotence and sexual issues whatever the nature. Court cases. Tel: +35677484511 Prime Minister's wife applies for eight-room guest house in Xewkija JAMES DEBONO LYDIA Abela, wife of the Prime Minister, has applied to convert an already constructed resi- dential farmhouse in Xewkija into a guest house. The proposal consists of eight rooms, a lounge, a reception breakfast area, wine cellar and a pool with an outdoor area. The application which does not envisage any further take up of land, foresees an extension at first-floor level and internal alterations to walls and apertures as well as a landscaping scheme. The Malta Tourism Authority has approved the proposal and has issued a tourism policy compliance certificate which will enable the applicant to proceed with the planning applica- tion. But the MTA has made it clear that this is not an operating licence, which can only be obtained after the permit is issued. In January, Abela had presented another appli- cation for the excavation and construction of a pool and gym in the basement level as well as for internal alterations and an extension of the first floor. A document submitted by architect Joe Cas- sar in May had already hinted at the future use of the building as a "guest house" in the project title when submitting plans. Earlier plans had referred to "residential development." The ap- plication which had already been granted the clearance of the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage was later withdrawn. In 2021 the PA had approved an application for the restoration of the façade and the replace- ment of existing doors and window to ones con- structed in solid natural timber, including dou- ble glazing . An application by Abela to construct a pool in the backyard had been approved in 2012 and was subsequently renewed in 2017. The property located in the urban conserva- tion area of Xewkija consists of a two storey ver- nacular farmhouse characterised by traditional features such as timber beams, double thickness walls, and arches. Lydia Abela had already presented another application envisaging the construction of a gym and pool at basement level, but this was later withdrawn CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Further addressing issues in La- bour strongholds, in his budget speech on Tuesday, Abela also announced that changes will be made in Wied Żnuber, where the airstrip promised to aircraft enthusiasts will only proceed if it is made smaller. "We will ensure that the buff- er zone with the valley, cur- rently on industrial land, will be declared Outside Develop- ment Zone (ODZ)," he added. Abela acknowledged the public's desire for more open spaces and reiterated state- ments he had made on previ- ous occasions, promising that everyone will have an open space within a ten-minute walk from their homes. He recalled the launch of Project Green and stated that the projects already under- taken by the new authority demonstrate the government's commitment to the issue. Abela announced that twice the number of projects already completed will be included in Budget 2024. He also reaffirmed the gov- ernment's commitment to motorsport enthusiasts and insisted a race track will be completed during this legisla- ture. The Prime Minister also ex- plained a new reform in next year's budget that oversees development, ensuring that it does not progress until any ongoing appeals are decided. Speaking about a "brighter Malta and Gozo," Abela re- called the government's prom- ise to make Gozo an island of villages. Addressing the challenges of climate change, Abela stated that environmental projects are a top priority, especially in shaping the country's future. He explained how natural disasters during the past sum- mer convinced everyone that the Mediterranean region will be one of the hardest-hit. Abela stated that moving forward, the government will invest more in sustainable in- novative technology, citing waste-to-energy as an example. Buffer zone with Wied Znuber to be declared ODZ Wied Znuber