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MALTATODAY 3 December 2023

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7 NEWS maltatoday | SUNDAY • 3 DECEMBER 2023 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 This will be the first such facil- ity being proposed in Gozo and the site will be surrounded by a three-metre-high fence required for security purposes. A Project Development State- ment (PDS) submitted by the architect on behalf of an unspec- ified no profit NGO states the site was chosen due to its "unique microclimate properties" which are favourable to the growth and yield of cannabis farming. These include natural shelter- ing from dominant north-west- ern winds. Moreover, the upper portion of the site rests on blue clay while the lower section lies on a bed of Globigerina Lime- stone. This will result in a natural flow of freshwater from the water table that will provide a constant supply of clean water for cultiva- tion. The PDS states that the project will have little or no environmen- tal impact on soil conservation, water resources, waste, emissions and residue. Moreover, no new built struc- tures over and above the existing poultry farm, will be developed. The footprint dedicated to ag- ricultural use will remain un- changed. But the project will require the erection of a security fence line which is needed due to the "sen- sitivity of the farming practices" and the "safety and security of the produce and personnel". The height of the fence which will vary due to the sloping na- ture of the site will vary between two and three metres. The fence will be installed using stainless steel tamper-resistant fixings that offer a high degree of "van- dal resistance" and compatible with CCTV and other detection systems. Infrared detection sensors will be used in a way which does not increase light pollution in the area. No details are given about the applicant proposing the applica- tion. Moreover, the planning ap- plication for this development is still being vetted by the Planning Authority and has still not been issued for public consultation. Facility to be surrounded by fence and infrared sensors for security

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