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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 17 DECEMBER 2023 10 COMMERCIAL MCAST launches the 5th edition of the Research & Innovation EXPO THE Malta College of Arts, Sci- ence, and Technology (MCAST) together with the College's Ap- plied Research and Innovation Centre (ARIC), kick-started the fifth edition of the MCAST Re- search & Innovation EXPO. The EXPO will run on campus in Paola till the 15 December 2023. The EXPO aims to foster an integrated environment where academic exploration aligns with industrial innovation. This initi- ative promoted research projects that are not only groundbreaking but also directly translate into practical applications that bene- fit both academia and the indus- try. Speaking during the event Minister for Education, Sport, Young People, Research and In- novation, Clifton Grima said, "It is a privilege to see the develop- ment of the College's research hub over the past years. The government has prioritised its investment in research and inno- vation recognising that this will continue to make us competi- tive. Today's EXPO serves as an opportunity to celebrate success. It also serves as a platform for sharing new ideas, and encour- aging partnerships and visions of a future where innovation leads to tangible results for the benefit of society." The 50 presentations show- cased at EXPO 23 encompass six thematic areas, reflecting a wide spectrum of research fields. These initiatives are aligned with ARIC's collective research ob- jectives, aimed to promote the advancement of applied research and sustainable innovation throughout MCAST. During the EXPO a panel dis- cussion exploring the potential and challenges of conversational AI in education and research was held. Researchers also provided presentations about the topic of education and sustainability through EdTech and CleanTech, and vocational education and entrepreneurship, offering inno- vative insights. MCAST Principal and CEO Professor Joachim James Calleja highlighted the importance and significance of the research EX- PO stating that, "Showcasing our research is part of the attraction to further projects focusing on is- sues of relevance to the quality of life of Maltese citizens. MCAST research increasingly focuses on sustainable water irrigation, ar- tificial intelligence and learning technologies, nursing, the crea- tive arts, aquatic and animal re- search, space science, childhood obesity, climate change, urban mobility, operations logistics and supply chain management. We aim to feed into the vocational degree courses at Bachelor, Mas- ters and Doctoral levels and in the needs of industry with innovative ideas for sustainable futures. The College aims at creating a com- munity of vocational scholars that provide research-evidenced solutions to the well-being and development of our population." Moreover, four workshops ad- dressing diverse topics, includ- ing hydration promotion across the lifespan, effective research project management, benthic species annotation, and adult educator toolkits for front-line workers engaging with young people were organised during the event. Around 150 participants, reg- istered for the EXPO. During the event the importance of fos- tering interaction and dialogue among researchers, participants, academia, and industry experts, to cultivate an environment con- ducive to active discussions and networking was emphasized. MCAST Director for Research and Innovation Dr Lorna Bonn- ici West said, "The projects and initiatives presented at this year's EXPO under six different the- matic areas aim to pave the way for a more resilient Community. Insert Quote".The Expo also of- fers an opportunity for new col- laborations and the formation of new research ideas." During the second day of the research EXPO, academics, stu- dents, and industry partners will participate in several discussion sessions, covering a wide variety of subjects including, vocational education and entrepreneurship, creative arts research, social sciences, health-related studies, concerns related to food, and strategies for cultivating sustain- ability in natural ecosystems. Malta Society of Arts Awards Gold Medal to Austin Camilleri THE Malta Society of Arts (MSA) has awarded its pres- tigious Gold Medal to artist Austin Camilleri, in recogni- tion of his exceptional artistic achievement in the contem- porary local and international visual arts scene. A prominent figure in Malta's art land- scape for more than 25 years, Camilleri has showcased his work extensively in solo and group exhibitions across mu- seums, biennales, private gal- leries, and public spaces in Eu- rope, America, North Africa, and Asia. The Gold Medal and its ac- companying certificate were awarded to Camilleri dur- ing a private ceremony held on Thursday 14 December at Palazzo de La Salle, the seat of the Malta Society of Arts in Valletta, in the presence of H.E. George Vella, President of Malta, the President and Com- mittee of the MSA, Camilleri's family and friends, and a host of distinguished guests. The ceremony commenced with a statement by MSA's President Arch. Adrian Mamo, who highlighted significant moments from Camilleri's pro- lific career. Mamo underscored the historical context by noting that the first Gold Medal be- stowed by the Malta Society of Arts dates back to 1896, hon- ouring Emidio Vassallo for his achievements in metal engrav- ing. Now, visual artist Austin Camilleri takes his place among esteemed past Gold Medal re- cipients, a distinguished list that includes luminaries such as Sir Temi Zammit (1904), Robert Caruana Dingli (1916), Emvin Cremona (1963), Or- este Chircop (1997), Richard England (1984), Joseph Calle- ja (2007), Karmen Azzopardi (2009), Harry Alden (2013), and Carmine Lauri (2015), among others. The evening unfolded with a heartfelt reflection from one of Camilleri's intimate friends, Dr. Jimmy Vella. Vella com- menced by acknowledging the challenge of encapsulating the vibrant and adventurous spirit of Austin within mere words. Describing Camilleri as an avid traveller, ardent sports enthu- siast, theatre-lover and set de- signer, foodie and bon vivant, Vella painted a multifaceted portrait of a loyal friend and a fervent artist, highlighting an array of his remarkable quali- ties. The evening was enriched with musical interludes by mu- sicians Mro. Dominic Galea on piano and Angie Vella Zarb on vocals. This polished duo captivated the audience with their beautiful interpretations of classic pieces such as Gersh- win's "Summertime", Jobim's "One Note Samba", and Sond- heim's "Send in the Clowns". To mark this special occa- sion, the Malta Society of Arts is exhibiting one of Austin's important works in the Chap- el located within its Palazzo de La Salle - "Kuruna", created in 2002. The work is part of the National Collection, MUŻA - Heritage Malta and was loaned to the MSA to celebrate Aus- tin's outstanding achievements in this sector. Visitors can see "Kuruna" until Monday 18 De- cember at 7pm and admission is free. For more information about the history of the Gold Medal visit medal-award and for more on Austin Camilleri, visit the Facebook Page Austin Camill- eri Studio.