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MALTATODAY 17 December 2023

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 17 DECEMBER 2023 THIS IS A PAID COLLABORATION The Employee Support Programme (ESP) started off as a pilot project through EU funds over ten years ago, and has now become an integral service providing holistic support within Public Administration for all public officers and employees. Ultimately, its aim is to help public employees experiencing various difficulties, fostering their wellbeing while supporting them in their duties impacting positively in their life's wellbe- ing. The ongoing investment in the ESP reflects how the Public Administration values the people as a unique and val- uable resource. The ESP offers psycho- logical, emotional and support services to public employees and the number of clients is constantly increasing. Since the introduction of the programme, thousands of officials and employees have benefitted from over 25,000 free sessions through the services offered. The Government is committed to of- fering tangible support to all its officials and employees, providing access to free services to support them in their mental health and wellbeing. As a model em- ployer, the Government understands that the pressures of work combined with modern life pressures and circum- stances which may arise, such as death, illness, separations and many others, may impact a person's psychological, emotional and physical well-being. Therefore, it was felt that ESP needed upgrade and create modern workspac- es through new premises which will ca- ter for the increasing demands and the needs of the Administration's employ- ees making for one in five of all Maltese workers. An extension was built to the existing building of ESP's over-arching Division, the People & Standards Di- vision, within the Office of the Prime Minister which, apart from having been refurbished in the past few years, was also enhanced with energy efficient up- grades. All of this was achieved thanks to dedicated EU funding. The ethos of the People & Standards Division, which hosts other people-focused services, revolves around people being central to the Public Administration. So much so, that apart from the premises found at the Valletta Castille Place building, the Division also has premises in Flori- ana housing the Institute for the Public Services, in support of the development and training of public employees. The new ESP premises offer a more modern and aesthetically attractive space that complement the existing P&SD working spaces. The premises also hosts the One Stop Shop for Pub- lic Officers. Within this context, the ESP will now be better equipped to provide an effective service and focus on the well-being of both clients and its own employees who are providing this ser- vice. The space from which support and psycho-therapeutic services are pro- vided are all equipped and designed in such a way as to help those receiving support feel welcome and comfortable to disclose any concerns which are trou- bling them. At the ESP, service users are first met with support services through sessions which empower them to live their lives holistically. Those who reach out to the ESP come with a vast array of psycho-so- cial, medical, and mental health issues. These include stress, grief, marital and relationship issues, domestic violence, addictions, parenting and family con- cerns, work-related difficulties impact- ing well-being and critical incidents. If further in-depth support is necessary, the employee is referred to the psy- cho-therapeutic service, which is made up of psychologists, counsellors and psychotherapists. Clients are offered a number of sessions at no cost to the em- ployee. Appointments at the ESP may be made either during working hours or after working hours, according to the employee's preference. Should employ- ees wish to attend during their working hours, the unit will provide written con- firmation in order for the employee to be excused. All contact with the ESP is strictly con- fidential, so that the employees may feel assured that using ESP services will not affect their privacy, dignity or standing within the Public Administration. In- formation shared with the ESP will not be disclosed to third parties without the employee's written consent, unless there is risk of physical harm to the em- ployee or others. Another service provided by the ESP is that of the Medical Board which reviews cases of employees who have serious or chronic medical conditions which af- fect the carrying out of their duties. This Board is solely charged with reviewing the impact the medical condition has on the employee's duties. The ESP also provides support to de- partments who have experienced critical or traumatic incidents at the workplace, such as the sudden death of a colleague, traumatic incidents in the course of their duties and violence or aggression. In these situations, the ESP can provide both immediate support on premises as well as follow-up support individually and as a team. Regular initiatives to raise awareness on the importance of employee well-be- ing and better mental health are organ- ised throughout the year. Sessions are delivered to both management and em- ployees. Generic topics of awareness in- clude the importance of self-care, mental health awareness, and fostering well-be- ing at work. The ESP team also provides support after long-term absences, such as sickness or breaks in service. The idea is to help employees with a smooth tran- sition back to work. Lastly, in specific circumstances, such as a serious decline in performance, behavioural problems, and suspicion of alcohol and/or substance misuse, Heads of Department are encouraged to make use of the formal referral. Iden- tification of early warning signs such as serious decline in performance, lower quality of work, increased absenteeism, isolation from colleagues, and drastic changes in mood, physical appearance and behaviour, may be indications that the employee may require professional intervention. The ESP team takes great pride in the individual success of employees who entrusted them with their personal sto- ries. Ultimately, the ESP's goal remains to support employees in a holistic way. If you visit the new offices, the ESP's mot- to may be seen immediately near the entrance: Valuing, enriching and sup- porting the wellbeing of all public em- ployees as they reach their full potential through our professional services. We encourage public employees to reach out to the ESP services, by visit- ing the website, calling on 22001210 or emailing us on esp.opm@ The new building project for ESP was co-financed by "Operational Program I — Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 — Fostering a competitive and sustainable economy to meet our challenges." New premises for the Employee Support Programme

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