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11 OPINION 21.12.2023 A workshop on the use of Artificial In- telligence (AI) for scientific writing was held between 21st and 22nd November at the University of Malta Common Room as well as online. is occa- sion marked the first event of the ERA SHUTTLE project. e consortium of the project includes the University of Split as the coordinator, and the Univer- sity of Malta, the University of Gdansk, Schiller & Mertens GbR, Central Euro- pean Research Infrastructure Consorti- um, Association of European Science & Technology Transfer Professionals and AcrossLimits as partners. ERA SHUTTLE is an EU-funded project set-up to create a cross-sectoral frame- work for collaboration for researchers, in- novators and other talents from different backgrounds in academic and non-aca- demic R&I institutions to contribute to innovative solutions for contemporary challenges in widening countries. e workshop titled, "Scientists Need More! Next Level Productivity Using AI Assistants" was conducted by Daniel Mertens, on behalf of the project partner Schiller & Mertens GbR. rough an interactive approach, he engaged over 50 attendants who were both in-person as well as online attend- ing through Zoom on the use of several AI tools to boost both the productivity by around 25% and quality of output by around 40%. Following an introduction which de- mystified how generative AI tools such as ChatGPT operate, the attendants were made aware of the different strengths and weaknesses of different AI tools. Certain tools such as ChatGPT were noted to be better at generating content, however was not as adept at finding information. When it came to seeking out information required by scientific writers, other tools were found to be more appropriate. In addition to exploring the different tools, attendants were also taught how to prompt the AI in order to have it re- spond in the most efficient, direct and clear-as-possible manner. e workshop also explored different use cases for AI tools, such as its utility as a brainstorming companion. However, risks were also discussed, such as how cer- tain AI tools have a tendency to 'halluci- nate' and provide convincing information which could in fact be false. erefore, attendants were taught to be prudent and cautious with how they make use of the tools. Workshop attendants were also given a crash course on how to use the series of AI tools to programme in Python, and use the tools to troubleshoot and solve issues that arise in the process, without having any prior experience in programming at all. By the end of the workshop, effectively all of the attendants remarked that they will in some manner incorporate one or more of the AI tools which they learned during the two days. Many of the attend- ants even said they will use the knowl- edge to teach their peers and colleagues on how to get started, in order to facilitate both of their work. Marking the first of many insightful events, the ERA SHUTTLE workshop has set a high standard for future col- laborations. Stay updated and join us in our journey of innovation by following for more details. Boosting productivity and output quality of knowledge workers through AI tools THE Central Bank of Malta Governor, Profes- sor Edward Scicluna, par- ticipated in a panel dis- cussion organized by the Banka Slovenije entitled 'Digital Euro: Cash meets Technology', where the panellists discussed why central banks are con- sidering issuing a digital euro, the benefits of digi- tal currency for users, the potential risks and what a digital euro would make for cash. e event was opened by Governor Boštjan Vasle, and the progress of the digital euro project was presented by Simon Anko, Director of the Pay- ment and Settlement Sys- tems at Banka Slovenije. e roundtable, chaired by Vice Governor Marko Pahor, hosted Peter Kažimír, Governor of Národná Banka Sloven- ska, Madis Müller, Gover- nor of Eesti Pank, Edward Scicluna, Governor of the Central Bank of Malta, Gediminas Šimkus, Gov- ernor of Lietuvos bankas, Boris Vujčić, Governor of Hrvatska narodna banka, and Governor Boštjan Vasle. During his intervention, Governor Scicluna stat- ed that the preparatory stages and their processes need to take time in order to examine and test the impact of the Digital Euro on the economy, on finan- cial stability, and most importantly to ensure that monetary policy and the transmission mechanism are not weakened. Governor Scicluna participates in panel discussion on the Digital Euro in Slovenia