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MALTATODAY 14 January 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 7 JANUARY 2024 9 COMMERCIAL BOV employees with a special visit to MAPFRE offices in Madrid A group of ten Bank of Vallet- ta employees from across the Bank's Investment Centres and Branches have recently returned from a short trip to Madrid, where they visited the headquarters of MAPFRE S.A. in Majadahonda, Madrid. They were accompanied by Tonia Parascandalo and Sarah Borg from the Bank's Bancassurance Office. MAPFRE MSV Life's senior management team mem- bers were also part of the group. Speaking about the initiative, Ms Parascandalo explained that the group of representatives dis- tinguished itself throughout the year for the high level of service given to customers when assist- ing them to navigate through the complex world of investments. "This trip served as an excellent opportunity for our representa- tives to get a better understand- ing of how our partners in Spain operate. It also helped to broad- en their perspective as they got to experience firsthand how our partners view and research specific markets, whose needs may differ significantly, consid- ering the different geographical and political realities they hail from." During their stay, the delegates had a unique opportunity to meet and exchange views with top officials from MAPFRE Life Operations and MAPFRE Asset Management about innovations and business development op- portunities in the bancassur- ance market. A highlight of the tour was the delegation's visit to the trading room, followed by a guided tour of the tempo- rary exhibits by artists Joaquin Sorolla and Medardo Rosso, presently housed at Fondation MAPFRE, located within the heart of Madrid. Other stops worth mentioning were visits to the main city attractions in- cluding Park Retiro and Palacio Real, along with a tapas tour and a flamenco dinner show. The BOV Group has been in- volved in the life assurance busi- ness since 1994, when the first local bancassurance venture was set up, at the time, in partner- ship with Middlesea Insurance. This working relationship kept growing stronger over the years, and nowadays the Bank enjoys an excellent working relation- ship with MAPFRE S.A, which is one of the largest insurance providers in Spain with business operations extending to Latin America and the Maghreb. 2023 LifeCycle Challenge team flies Emirates EMIR ATES, the world 's larg- est international airline, has this year been instrumental to the 2023 LifeCycle Challenge in South East Asia. With its extensive network, efficient scheduling, and dedication to precision in every detail, Emirates played a pivotal role in facilitating travel and car- go logistics and ensuring the smooth execution of the chal- lenge. Kicking off in Thailand, the 2023 LifeCycle Challenge saw 18 cyclists and their back up team cover a 2,000-kilometre route from Bangkok to Kua- la Lumpur in Malaysia over a period of ten days, to raise funds in aid of renal patients, to support medical research and to raise awareness on re- nal disease. The 2023 edition of the LifeCycle Challenge was the 23rd edition of this cycling and endurance feat that has become an annual fixture in the calendar of Maltese sports and charity events. The 2023 LifeCycle Chal- lenge departed Malta on an Emirates flight to Dubai on Thursday, 23 November, pro- ceeding to fly Emirates to Bangkok. Emirates was also crucial in handling the intri- cate task of transporting bi- cycles and other supplies es- sential for the challenge. From check-in counters to cargo holds, Emirates ensured that every piece of equipment ar- rived safely and promptly at the destination, allowing par- ticipants to focus on the char- itable mission at hand. Adding an unexpected and heartwarming twist, the mo- rale of the team received an uplifting boost when they were presented with a deli- cious treat by the crew, cour- tesy of a surprise organized by Emirates' office in Malta. Up- on completing the challenge, the team flew back home on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Dubai, and from Dubai to Malta on 8 December, where a welcome party awaited the participants at the Malta In- ternational Airport's welcom- ers lounge.

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