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MALTATODAY 14 January 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 14 JANUARY 2024 10 COMMERCIAL Help this rare traditional Maltese boat set sail again The Malta Traditional Boats Association has launched a crowdfunding campaign on the online platform Zaar to raise the funds needed to restore an historic Maltese boat. AN extremely rare tradition- al fishing boat developed in the 17th century in Malta, the 'firilla' is similar to the 'dgħaj- sa', but of a stronger construc- tion. The 100-year-old firilla at the heart of the new cam- paign inspired the creation of the Malta Traditional Boats Association, when the NGO's founders – a group of friends moved by the boat's imminent destruction – pooled together the sum of €500 to save it in 2019. "We have launched the Firilla Restoration project to restore this important piece of Maltese maritime heritage to its for- mer glory," says one volunteer at the Malta Traditional Boats Association, which aims to pre- serve, rekindle and rediscover lost aspects of local maritime heritage and represent tradi- tional Maltese boats world- wide. "Once completed, we aim to use the boat for educational purposes, teaching traditional sailing techniques and partici- pating in regattas to represent Malta in similar events across the Mediterranean." Although the Association has already secured some funds, the project needs additional support to complete each key stage of the restoration, from repairing and replacing wood- en structural elements as re- quired, to painting, finishing and launching the boat, as well as installing the firilla's origi- nal 'tarkija' sailing gear and an electric motor. Through the crowdfunding campaign on Zaar, the Mal- ta Traditional Boats Associ- ation hopes to raise €5,000 to complete the first stage of the project – and sailing and Mal- tese history enthusiasts have already pledged almost €1,000 within the first week of the campaign, with many backers looking forward to receiving an invitation to join the launch crew or sail aboard the fully re- stored firilla. "We hope that, through the generosity and the passion of the public and all those inter- ested in traditional Maltese Boats, we can together save a rare piece of Malta's unique heritage from destruction and ensure that it can set sail out to sea where it belongs once again," adds the Malta Tradi- tional Boats Association volun- teer. To donate to the Restoration of a traditional Maltese fish- ing boat – the firilla campaign on Zaar, visit mt. More information about the project is also available via email to maltatradition- APS Bank supports Lasallian Nights 2024 APS Bank is proud to extend its support once again to La- sallian Nights 2024, set to take place from 12 to 14 Jan- uary 2024 at De La Salle Col- lege, Cottonera. Hosted by the De La Salle Sixth Form Stu- dent Council, this showcase of talent titled 'Once Upon a Curse' promises a captivating narrative. The story revolves around four siblings that are struggling to make ends meet and so they go work in a cas- tle. The youngest brother is cursed and turned into a f lower. In order to reverse the curse, the other three sisters must embark on a journey to get back three objects, meet- ing new people along the way. Jeremy Vassallo, CSR Man- ager at APS Bank stated, "We are excited for this upcoming event. It is always a pleasure to support the student communi- ty as we celebrate their excep- tional talents." Tickets are available on lian-nights-2024 THE IBB Hotel Group which operates the IBB Hotel Collec- tion and the Cugó Gran Col- lection brands is pleased to announce the appointment of Samuel Santos Gordillo to the role of Chief Executive Officer. In his new role, he will lead the Group's policy development and strategic leadership roles to drive growth and build on the exceptional reputation that IBB Hotel and Cugó Gran Collec- tion have earned in the hospi- tality industry. With over a decade in manage- ment roles in the hospitality seg- ment Mr Santos Gordillo brings wide knowledge and experi- ence to the role and a proven track record of leadership and innovation. His extensive back- ground in hotel management, business development, and stra- tegic planning positions him as the ideal candidate to guide the company into the next phase of its development. Samuel Santos Gordillo joined the company in August 2018 and has since played a crucial role in the company's achieve- ments. His dedication to deliv- ering unparalleled guest expe- riences and his ability to foster strong relationships with part- ners and stakeholders have been instrumental in IBB Hotel and Cugó Gran Collection's growth and recognition. IBB Hotel and Cugó Gran Collection, known for its com- mitment to luxury, exceptional service, and unique guest expe- riences, is confident that Samuel Santos Gordillo's leadership will contribute to the continued suc- cess and expansion of the brand. The Board of Directors and the entire IBB Hotel and Cugó Gran Collection team look forward to working closely with him as he takes on this pivotal role and leads the company to new heights in the evolving land- scape of the hospitality industry. Samuel Santos Gordillo appointed Chief Executive Officer for IBB Hotel Collections & the Cugó Gran Collection

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