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MALTATODAY 14 January 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 14 JANUARY 2024 5 CULTURE Six established watercolourists exhibit at the Malta Society of Arts Nucleus unveils the vision of artists, Jeni Caruana, Debbie Caruana Dingli, Anna Galea, Anna Grima, Tonio Mallia and Kenneth Zammit Tabona through their latest works NUCLEUS is a collective exhi- bition set to showcase the wa- tercolour paintings of six well- known and seasoned artists who have also been friends for a substantial part of their painting careers. Jeni Caruana, Debbie Caruana Dingli, Anna Galea, Anna Grima, Tonio Mallia, and Kenneth Zammit Tabona share a profound camaraderie cultivated over years of artistic collabora- tion. Their exhibition of water- colour paintings opens at the Art Galleries of the Malta Society of Arts in Valletta on Thursday 11 January and runs until 1 Febru- ary. This exhibition marks a signifi- cant reunion for the group, who had previously exhibited togeth- er in November 2005, as part of a bigger group in an exhibition that had garnered acclaim and which had been accompanied by an il- lustrative book. Nineteen years on, and after holding numerous solo exhibitions, these six artists are reuniting to demonstrate the versatility of watercolour as a me- dium. Beyond being a platform to un- veil their latest works, Nucleus aspires to reignite public interest in watercolour artistry. While watercolours are frequently dis- played in Malta, this exhibition aims to leave a collective impact, spotlighting the diverse and bold applications of watercolour in the hands of experienced artists. The exhibition illustrates how water- colour, initially inert when dry, comes to life with the simple ad- dition of water. The six artists employ a range of water-based media, including traditional watercolour, gouache, ink, acrylic, and other liquid pig- ments to showcase their crea- tivity. They use innovative tech- niques such as lining a traditional oil support with watercolour paper and incorporating collage to their works in order to add a unique dimension to their works. Nucleus extends an invitation to viewers to delve into the beauty of watercolour painting, encour- aging them to ponder the pro- cesses, techniques, and individ- ual approaches adopted by each artist. In addition to celebrating the rich history of the medium of watercolour, the artists also em- brace contemporary possibilities. The artists also hope to inspire a younger generation of artists. Their collective vision includes encouraging the establishment of a Watercolour Society in Malta, dedicated to promoting appre- ciation, understanding and en- joyment of this versatile artistic medium. Delighted by the variety of paintings on display, MSA Pres- ident Arch. Adrian Mamo ex- tends a warm invitation to the public to visit the exhibition: "Nucleus promises to be a capti- vating journey into the boundless realms of watercolour artistry, and the Malta Society of Arts in- vites everyone to visit." 'Nucleus', An Exhibition by Six Established Watercolour Artists, opens on Thursday 11 January at the Art Galleries of the Malta So- ciety of Arts in Valletta, and closes on Thursday 1 February. Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9 am to 7pm, and Saturdays 9am to 1pm. Entrance is free. For more details about the exhibition please visit or www.face- Above: Inland Sea by Debbie Caruana Dingli, Widen Il-Gurdien by Anna Grima, Below: Filfla by Kenneth Zammit Tabona, Lellux by Anna Galea

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