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BUSINESS TODAY 18 January 2024

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12 18.01.2024 NEWS STUDJURBAN recently presented its fourth Sustainable Mobility strategy document on Shared Transport on behalf of the Local Councils Associ- ation, which champions shared trans- port for enhanced urban living. "Shared transport is vital for increas- ing city liveability, complementing walkability and cyclability for sustain- able mobility and improved public health and this is what we are commu- nicating in this fourth strategy docu- ment," explains Dr Antoine Zammit from Studjurban. The strategy document "Sustainable Mobility: Shared Transport" covers a diverse range of aspects in urban mobility; namely, Mass Transit, Bike, Scooter and Car Sharing, Shared Transport for Delivery, Malta's Public Transport, Ferry Services, E-powered Taxis, Shared car rides for the Univer- sity of Malta and other major institu- tions, and other Local Shared Trans- port Initiatives. "Proper alternatives can encourage people to leave their cars at home, which would reduce traffic and help reclaim urban space for pedestrians and cyclists. When mobility dynam- ics change and more people embrace shared transport, this not only reduc- es the environmental impact but also personal costs." "However, for localities to become more sustainable, they depend on transport that facilitates safe, ef- ficient, pollution-free flow for all. Shared transport can complement high-quality public transport and walkable streets," added Dr Zammit. Highlighting existing shared trans- port options in Malta and overseas, the document recognizes local initia- tives and urges Local Councils to play a central role in this development. "Versatility is crucial and this needs to cater to diverse preferences and re- quirements, however, collaboration is key to unlocking shared transport's full potential for residents, tourists, and local authorities. This is why stakeholders need to engage in dis- cussions and share a collective vision for a more accessible, efficient, and eco-friendly urban transport land- scape." Defining shared transport, the doc- ument outlines benefits such as in- creased mobility choices, traffic reduc- tion, cost efficiency and accessibility, emphasising that reducing private car ownership optimizes valuable street space and fosters a more efficient and eco-friendly urban landscape. In the coming weeks Studjurban shall be presenting its fifth and final strategy document on Sustainable Mobility, which deals with Last Mile Transportation. Local Councils' role 'central' in development of shared transport Studjurban presents 'Shared Transport' strategy document THE Malta Development Bank (MDB) has successful- ly facilitated loans exceeding €20 million under its spe- cialised education financing schemes, the Further Stud- ies Made Affordable (FSMA) and the Further Studies Made Affordable Plus (FSMA+). These loans are a testament to the Bank's commitment to drive human capital growth, skills and innovation. By the end of November 2023, the two schemes gen- erated €20.8 million in loans, supporting 545 students in their endeavours, supporting a diverse array of study areas with the most popular cours- es relating to aviation (29%), economics and finance (26%), and medicine or health relat- ed subjects (11%). IT, arts and law-related courses also fea- ture regularly in the courses supported by the Bank. The MDB's FSMA+ scheme is the successor to the origi- nal FSMA scheme, with the two schemes designed to help individuals who are commit- ted to advance their abilities and expertise. Through these schemes, the Bank continues to play a pivotal role in bridg- ing gaps between banks and the Maltese community. Dedicated to foster the pur- suit of further education, these two MDB loan schemes specifically targeted students seeking specialist courses, and particularly those not readily available within our shores. This accomplishment re- flects the Bank's commitment to provide financial solutions where there are market gaps in the Maltese financial and credit markets. The Managing Authori- ty (MA) allocated funds to support these two schemes, thanks to the European So- cial Fund and European So- cial Fund Plus. The MDB was entrusted by the MA to implement the schemes as a blended financial instrument, combining two components: a grant element in the form of an interest rate subsidy that makes the instrument more appealing for students, and a guarantee that enhances stu- dent access to bank financing by absorbing a substantial part of the risks. This is mak- ing educational loans signif- icantly more accessible and affordable for hundreds of students in Malta, interme- diated by MDB's partnering commercial bank, Bank of Valletta plc. Leo Brincat, MDB's newly appointed Chairperson, ex- pressed his satisfaction and appreciation of the bank hav- ing achieved this important milestone, stating that, "At the Malta Development Bank, we strongly believe in the trans- formative power of education for the Maltese economy. Our commitment to provide fi- nancial support and guaran- tees for specialised courses has plugged a market gap in Malta and is a testament to the Bank's dedication to fos- tering economic growth and development." Paul V. Azzopardi, Chief Executive Officer, remarked how "Before these schemes, education related loans were often beyond the reach of many students. The two schemes have opened widely access to education, whatev- er a student's resources, ul- timately increasing human productivity through greater egalitarianism." In a time where access to specific educational opportu- nities is of crucial importance, the MDB remains steadfast in its mission to make the fi- nancial and credit markets in Malta work better. The Bank also looks forward to continuing its support to education, with the MDB FSMA+ scheme still open to enable even more individuals to embark on transformative educational journeys. MDB celebrates milestone as loans for further education exceed €20 million Leo Brincat, MDB's new Chairperson

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