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MALTATODAY 28 January 2024

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The need for unity should not translate into unfair decisions that impact the lives of citizens in Member States disparately 12 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 28 JANUARY 2024 OPINION Steve Ellul Steve Ellul is a Labour MEP candidate OUR collective future will be challenging; with issues like cli- mate change, migration, and economic stability looming large, the need for a strong and united country has never been more critical. In this context, the upcoming European Parliament Elections should bring with them a sense of hope and renewal. Europe- an Parliament elections have nothing to do with an individ- ual's ability to single-handedly change the European Union – far from it! I do however believe that it once more offers the promise of engaging in open dialogue, fostering cooperation, and push- ing for innovative solutions that benefit all. It's crucial at this stage to rec- ognise that the opportunity for dialogue and cooperation should not be limited to the run-in to the elections alone. These prin- ciples should be upheld at all times, not just during the elec- toral period. The spirit of collab- oration and inclusivity should be constant, as these are the values that can truly shape a better fu- ture for the European Union. The upcoming elections serve as a reminder of the importance of maintaining this commitment beyond the campaign season and throughout our shared jour- ney toward progress and unity. 'The European Union is at a crossroads'; we've definite- ly heard this statement being thrown about in various forums. This time though, I do believe that the European Union is fac- ing more complex multi-layered challenges that require collec- tive action and a commitment to finding common ground. It's no longer enough to tackle issues in isolation; the interconnect- edness of our world demands a more inclusive approach. The importance of this cannot be overstated, and it is central to my candidacy. For too long, we have wit- nessed division and polarisation within the European Union. It's time to break down these barri- ers and embrace a spirit of unity. I for one, recognize the power of collaboration and believe that only by working together can we address the urgent concerns that affect us all. Engaging in open dialogue is not a mere formality but a genuine commitment to hearing diverse perspectives and finding solutions that are equita- ble and just. The need for unity should not translate into unfair decisions that impact the lives of citizens in Member States disparately. It's imperative, for example, to recognise that the "one-size-fits- all" approach is a clear illustra- tion of why ongoing dialogue is crucial. This approach under- scores the importance of open discussions and cooperation to address the unique needs and challenges that various countries within the EU may face. Instead, by fostering such dialogues and considering the specific circum- stances of each Member State, we can work towards a more in- clusive and responsive European Union that genuinely serves the interests and well-being of all its citizens. One of the pressing issues of our time is undoubtedly climate change. The European Union stands as a global leader in envi- ronmental stewardship, and we should all share in that passion by harnessing this position to create a more sustainable future. By championing policies that support research, innovation, and green technologies, Europe can lead the way in combatting climate change and promoting environmental sustainability. Accessibility and accounta- bility are also at the forefront of my views on a better Euro- pean Union. In today's world, representation should not be distant, re-active or barely re- sponsive. My hope is that in the coming months, I establish strong communication channels to ensure that your concerns, ideas, and aspirations are active- ly considered. The European Parliament elec- tions should not be about gran- diose promises or the belief in a singular institution that will act as the saviour of the European Union. It's about recognising that the challenges we face re- quire a collective effort and a dedication to finding innovative solutions that benefit everyone. It's about fostering cooperation among Member States, engaging in open dialogue with citizens, and pushing for policies that pri- oritise our collective well-being. In a time of uncertainty, it's refreshing to focus on unity, in- clusivity, and a shared commit- ment to a prosperous future for all. It reminds us that the Eu- ropean Union is a place where diverse voices come together to shape a better tomorrow. It's a vision worth celebrating and supporting, for the strength of the European Union lies in its ability to unite and work col- laboratively towards a brighter future. In a parting remark, the Euro- pean Parliament Elections mark a pivotal moment in our journey towards a united and inclusive future. While no individual can single-handedly transform the EU, these elections offer the promise of dialogue, coopera- tion, and innovative solutions that benefit all citizens. Let us commit to upholding these val- ues not only during the cam- paign but as enduring principles guiding our path to a more unit- ed, responsive, and sustainable European Union. Together, we can address complex challenges, break down barriers, and cham- pion our well-being. Strengthening our country: A collective effort

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