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MaltaToday 21 February 2024 MIDWEEK

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5 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 21 FEBRUARY 2024 NEWS THE laptop belonging to the former parish priest of Marsax- lokk charged with misappropri- ation, money laundering, fraud and forgery, could not be found in the Courts' strongroom, ac- cording to a court expert. Keith Cutajar said that on 24 January 2024 he was unable to find Luke Seguna's laptop after this had been already exhibited in court, saying the error could be down to wrong references in the paperwork. The Court has now ordered that during next sitting a repre- sentative of the exhibits section of the courts be present to ex- plain why the laptop could not be traced. Fr Luke Seguna is believed to have had a €300,000 discrepan- cy between his declared income and his bank accounts, which led to a criminal investigation into the provenance of hundreds of thousands of euros deposited in various bank accounts and his collection of five motorbikes and two cars, despite his meagre clergyman's income. He denies having misappro- priated some €500,000 donat- ed by 150 parishioners over a span of ten years. Seguna is al- so believed to have spent some of the money he had received from parishioners, on internet porn. The Curia's financial con- troller, Roseanne Abdilla, also testified on Tuesday morning, saying that in examining the Marsaxlokk parish accounts, there were instances where inflows in were much higher than the declared income, with discrepancies between deposits and receipts issues. Each time a clarification was requested, the parish would say that receipts were still being updated or issued. From time to time, circulars would be sent to all parishes requesting ad- herence to fiscal rules and cash reconciliation, but Abdilla said she her only visibility of parish accounts was by way of dona- tion receipts by cash or cheque by parishioners. The case continues. Prosecutors Ramon Bonett Sladden and Andrea Zammit prosecuted representing the Office of the Attorney General Lawyers Jose Herrera, Alex Scerri Herrera and Matthew Xuereb are defence counsel. Lawyers Stefano Filletti and Christina Sutton are represent- ing the Malta Archdiocese. Laptop used by Marsaxlokk priest on misappropriation charges believed 'lost' Fr Luke Seguna being escorted to court (Photo: James Bianchi/MaltaToday) Sliema double murder: Kristiansen expected to testify against co-accused A judge has jailed Jesper Kris- tiansen 40 years after he pleaded guilty to the murders of Chris- tian Pandolfino and Ivor Macie- jowski in Sliema in 2020. Judge Natasha Galea Sciber- ras said on Tuesday there was no reason to depart from the plea deal reached between the Attorney General and the de- fence after Kristiansen had ad- mitted guilt earlier this month. Kristiansen, 33, is one of three men accused with murdering the Sliema couple in their own house in August 2020. Delivering judgment today, the judge said any periods of detention already served will be deducted from the jail term. Kristiansen was also con- demned to pay one-third of the court expenses, amounting to €21,676 and is prohibited from holding a gun licence for five years from when he serves his punishment. It is expected that Kristiansen will now testify against his two co-accused – Albanian national Daniel Muka and North Mac- edonian Viktor Dragomanski – when the compilation of evi- dence against them reopens. Kristiansen had been extra- dited from Spain a few months after the murder took place to face justice in Malta. Pandolfino, 50, and Macie- jowski, 30, were shot dead inside their home during a botched robbery. Pandolfino was shot at five times, includ- ing once in the neck. Macie- jowski was shot at once in his face. Both men died on the spot. The prosecution is being led by lawyer Kevin Valletta from the Attorney General's office, while Stefano Filletti and Rob- erto Montalto appeared for Kristiansen. Lawyers Joe Giglio and Michela Giglio are appear- ing parte civile for the victims' relatives. KURT SANSONE Christian Pandolfino (left) and Ivor Maciejowski were murdered in their house in Sliema

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