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MALTATODAY 3 March 2024

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12 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 3 MARCH 2024 NEWS JAMES DEBONO This article forms part of a content series called Ewropej. This is a multi-newsroom initiative part- funded by the European Parliament to bring the work of the EP closer to the citizens of Malta and keep them informed about matters that affect their daily lives. These articles reflect only the authors' views. The action was co-financed by the European Union in the frame of the European Parliament's grant programme in the field of communication. The European Parliament was not involved in its preparation and is, in no case, responsible for or bound by the information or opinions expressed in the context of this action. In accordance with applicable law, the authors, interviewed people, publishers or programme broadcasters are solely responsible. The European Parliament can also not be held liable for direct or indirect damage that may result from the implementation of the action. NATIONALIST MEP David Casa voted against an assessment of the European Com- mission's 2023 Rule of Law report authored by Renew MEP Sophie In 't Veld, over the inclusion of a call to enshrine abortion as a fundamental right. The MEP, who has historically voted against European attempts to call for uni- versal access to safe and legal abortion, told MaltaToday that he voted against the report to voice his opposition to efforts by the po- litical left "to force their pro-choice agenda". "This was an own-initiative report and therefore has no legal consequence. That being said it called for a right to abortion to be included in the charter of fundamental rights and to be imposed on member states, which of course I strongly oppose," the EPP member said. "On balance while there are some good points in the final version, including amend- ments I submitted on Malta which were accepted, I felt that in this case it was more important that my opposition to increasing efforts by groups on the political left to force their pro-choice agenda to be clearly noted." "On abortion it is only the Maltese people that can change the status quo through who they elect to the Maltese parliament. And that is the way it will remain." MEPs discussed the 2023 Rule of Law report by the European Commission last Wednesday. The text of the resolution on the report was adopted with 374 votes for, 113 against and 45 abstentions. The two paragraphs that mention abortion called for a ban on forced abortions, and a reaffirmation of women's human rights and autonomy together with the call for the right to safe and legal abortion being anchored in the Charter of Fundamental Rights. Labour MEP Cyrus Engerer was the on- ly Maltese MEP to speak in the plenary on Wednesday, voting in favour. Labour MEP Alex Agius Saliba abstained. Labour MEPs Alfred Sant and Josianne Cutajar did not register their vote although they were pres- ent for other votes. The Parliament on its part took note of some concrete positive developments, in- cluding the new Polish government's efforts to strengthen the rule of law and media free- dom, whilst highlighting persistent threats to democracy, the rule of law, and funda- mental rights as well as specific problems or incidents in several EU member states. MEPs were concerned about proposed changes in Slovakia's institutions and media landscape, as well about the proposed am- nesty law in Spain. They called out systemic discriminatory, non-transparent and unfair practices against companies in certain sec- tors in Hungary and the use of EU funds to enrich political allies of the country's gov- ernment. They also endorsed the call to end citizen- ship by investment schemes such as the one in Malta and drew attention to money laun- dering – a cross-border issue that is intrinsi- cally linked to corruption. MEPs too said the independence of over- sight authorities was also under threat, as in the case of Greece's handling of the spyware scandal, while work still needs to be done to protect journalists from SLAPPs and other threats. Casa votes down EC's rule of law report over 'abortion rights' Apartment block earmarked on 'flood risk area' in Birkirkara NICOLE MEILAK David Casa ONE of the last patches of greenery sepa- rating the town centre of Birkirkara from the showroom area on Valley Road could end up being developed as a four-storey residential block. The apartment block consisting of sev- en apartments and ten garages at ground floor level is being proposed on a 50m-long stretch of the road at the mouth of Birkirka- ra, which presently includes a watercourse, a retaining wall and a number of trees. A decision on the application is still pend- ing. Photomontages show that the develop- ment, which would be built opposite the VAT Department buildings, will be ter- raced to mitigate the impact on an adjacent old townhouse, following changes made to address the concerns of the Superintend- ence for Cultural Heritage. A watercourse is also depicted along the pavement along the new building's pave- ment. The site had been safeguarded as a 'white area' before 2006, where no development was to be allowed until the approval of local plans. In the local plans the site in question was included in development zones, but indicated as a 'flood risk area' and for this reason no building height limitation was assigned for this plot. Back in 1999, the PA had refused a per- mit to George Portelli for a showroom with two overlying floors of offices, because the project compromised the watercourse and a high retaining wall at the back of the site, and the area had not yet been zoned. The PA's planning directorate had found the development to be "insensitive to the characteristics of the site, which "includes lush vegetation and other features which should be protected." A previous application to develop the site was also turned down because the PA ap- peals board concluded that "the site is the last stretch of green between Birkirkara and Msida that should be preserved." Photomontage showing existing view (top) and the view once the proposed project is completed (above)

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