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15 NEWS maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 6 MARCH 2024 THEATRE is a feast within a community, the actors and the audience. Together, people from various backgrounds come together to delve into various dilemma to extract meaning leading to discovery of the joy of living. This year's DWAL GODDA theatrical group's production BAĦĦ (VOID) tackles those pockets of time which each and every one experiences, faced with the unexpected. Some- times even unexpected joy can- not be grappled with. A sense of void and emptiness engulfs us during and after. Unique 'epic' characters (Abraham and Mary Magda- lene, Peter and Judas, Veronica and Simon of Cyrene) are like beams that can enlighten peo- ple how to tackle the void we all feel encompassed in when uncertainty predominated. The Nazzarene's words and deeds continue to cast a unique light on life's trajectory. But can the simple words 'not my will will be done but yours' still be a suitable practical answer? Are we destined to just bow our heads to an almighty power to fill the inevitable void? Do we have to be superheroes to take our destiny in our hands? Is rebellion towards the Almighty [Non Serviam] a sure way to despair? 'VOID' (BAĦĦ) is a bi-lingual theatre production for the Ho- ly Week period which contrast life's joy and despair, question- ing and accepting, stagnation and innovation – not to pro- vide answers but to launch a personal and communal quest for possible answers. DWAL GODDA have devised this theatrical 'feast' in such a way so as to kindle a family/ community spirit, within small audience during 5 different performance, because it is only in the intimacy of community that joy can be discovered and shared, even during uncertain- ty. Performance dates at the Gharghur Theatrical Space are on 20-23 March at 7.30pm and Sunday 24 March at 3pm so that the audience can experi- ence also the traditional Ghar- ghur Good Friday procession which is held on Palm Sunday. BAHH (VOID) - A theatrical feast at Gharghur DURING a meeting held at the President's Palace in San Anton, Charles Buttigieg, accompanied by Reuben M Buttigieg present- ed a set of the books 'Karamellu tar-Raħal t'Isfel' to the President of Malta, Dr George Vella. Charles Buttigieg, author, and Reuben M Buttigieg explained to the President how the Kar- amellu stories were born and then started to find themselves in book form. The stories were inspired by Charles Buttigieg's child- hood experiences and memo- ries of people he used to meet throughout his upbringing in Żejtun's 'Ir-Raħal t'Isfel'. Charles also talked to the President about meetings he is having with schoolchildren during sponsored presenta- tions of Karamellu's books, re- ferring in particular to the em- phasis he always makes on the need that children appreciate and truly treasure the Maltese Language. He added that in this regard he feels very encouraged by the campaign in favour of the Mal- tese Language, 'L-Ilsien Malti Għal Qalbi' launched in 2022 by the Office of the President and the Maltese language asso- ciations. The President and the author of the Karamellu stories, both from Żejtun, also shared some nice memories of common ex- periences of their childhood. During this occasion, Charles, who was the first Refugee Commissioner in Malta, also presented to the President a copy of his book 'Ir-Refuġjati f'Ħajti'. The President showed his ap- preciation for this book, which tells the story of refugees in Malta from the mid-1980s to the first decade of the millenni- um. Vella expressed himself in favour that this book be trans- lated into English and made a very valuable suggestion as to how this could happen. The series 'Karamellu tar Raħal t'Isfel' is a collection of three books, containing a num- ber of stories adorned with specially designed visuals by CN Creative Designs. In general, the stories offer an idea of how children and fami- lies used to live many years ago, along with their customs, in a calm and serene environment where everyone knew everyone and where exciting experienc- es among children and adults where never lacking. President George Vella presented with a set of 'Karamellu tar-Rahal t'Isfel' books Charles Buttigieg (left) presenting a set of the books 'Karamellu tar-Rahal t'Isfel' to the President of Malta, Dr George Vella