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MALTATODAY 28 April 2024

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14 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 28 APRIL 2024 NEWS MATTHEW VELLA COURT NOTICE The Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals notifies that the First Hall of the Civil Court ordered the sale by Judicial Auction of the following property to be held in room numbered 78, nearby the Courts Archives, Level -1, Courts of Justice, Republic Street, Valletta. Date Time Judicial Sale No Property 07 th May, 2024 10.30am 12/22 – EM Farstone Construction and Restoration Limited (C 30589) Vs VLT Boutique Limited (C 65817) The tenement numbered 98, in Republic Street, Valletta, with a superficial range of land of circa 183sqm, consisting of a former old building prior to the year of 1967, with a long corridor with stairs accessing each floor and which opens into an internal yard from which one can access the basement through a flight of stairs, with its own airspace, and is valued at €2,382,024.90. 07 th May, 2024 11.00am 22/23 – EGL Bank of Valletta p.l.c. (C 2833) Vs Callus Christian (ID 499783M) The garage internally marked number 6, without its airspace and which garage is situated in a common drive in that abuts onto Triq in-Nigret, Zurrieq, situated at basement level with an area of which is higher than the street level where one finds a small window that permits natural light and ventilation in the garage and is a corner garage with access from a common ramp that abuts onto Triq in-Nigret and from the other side sides with Triq Isouard Xuereb, with a superficial measurement of circa 21sqm and is of an irregular shape. This garage enjoys the right of perpetual and non interrupted use together with the other garages owners in the same complex of the common ramp and drive in from where the garage is accessible, free and unencumbered, with all its rights and appurtenances, and which garage is bounded North West with Triq in-Nigret, South West with Triq Isouard Xuereb, South East with the drive way at basement level that gives access to this garage and other properties and North East with another garage of third parties, as described in the act dated 16.07.2008 in the acts of Notary Mary Camilleri Cutajar, and is valued at €45,000. 09 th May, 2024 11.30am 65/23 – EM Camilleri Ludwig (ID 501973M) et Vs Camilleri Andrew (ID 624149M) The property is a warehouse unnumbered officially and known as 'Alexander Garage', in Triq il-Maħżnier, Ħal Luqa unknown correct boundaries. The offers shall begin from €300,000 with the admission of extraneous bidders. 14 th May, 2024 11.30am 42/22 – AZ HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c. (C 3177) Vs Dr Mario Caruana et noe The tenement without name and officially numbered 219 previously numbered 243, accessible from the main door on ground floor level, in Triq il-Kbira, Mosta, on three floors, with part of the tenement underlies third party property on ground floor level, including its airspace, and with all its appurtenances, free and unencumbered, and as subject to the servitudes naturally resulting from its position partially overlying third party property on groundfloor level which includes also the drainage and services drains that serves the underlying property from the internal yard which forms part of the tenement and the common drainage system. The tenement also enjoys the right to use the shaft which is contiguous to the tenement and which shaft belongs to third parties and on the backside of the first and second floor level has windows overlooking the yard of the third parties on the ground floor level, including the undivided share of the boundary walls, together with the adjacent properties as well as the undivided share of the ceiling of the underlying tenement (that belongs to third parties) which occupies part of the groundfloor level, bounded from the East, West and North with third party property and from the South with Triq il-Kbira, where it has the facade onto the street, and this as described in the acts of Notary Annalisa Caruana of the 06.06.2008 and is valued at €530,000. 21 st May, 2024 10.30am 9/20 – AZ Seabank Hotel and Catering Limited (C 40319) Vs Portelli Joseph Mary (ID 536861M) et Two garages internally numbered 5 and 6 on the second level (upper basement) forming part of a building of basement garages with car access entrance from Triq il-Merluzz and exit from Triq it-Turisti in Qawra, San Pawl il-Bahar. The usage of these two garages was changed as garages were connected with another two immovable properties next to garage number 6, previously also garages, numbered 7 and 8. This underground space which previously was occupied by a total of four garages changed to a kitchen and an office. Vertical connections were made in the space previously garage number 6 with the overlying property; 'Da Michele' cafeteria, situated in Triq il-Maskli corner with Triq it-Turisti, San Pawl il-Bahar. These connections consists of an internal staircase and also a hoist (lift) for uploading and unloading food and objects related to the kitchen underlying the cafeteria. The tenement which was garage number 5 has a from the underlying and overlying tenements for maintenance, servicing and repairs purposes of the said pipe drains in reasonable hours and with a pre notice. More over, it enjoys the servitude of the laying and maintenance of a water tank of capacity not more than 750L on the highest roof of the block as well as the right of access to the said roof for installation, maintenance and repairs purposes of the said water tank, in reasonable hours and with an adequate pre notice. The apartment also enjoys the right, that against payment, connects with a common system of a television aerial and satellite dish. Finally, the apartment is subject to the passive servitudes and enjoys the rights and active servitudes resulting from its relative position in the block, including the divided portion of the roof of the block on the third floor of circa 5m2 including its airspace to be used only for drying clothes on a clothes horse and not by means of a clothes line poles and this as resulting from the contract in the acts of Notary Doctor Jonathan Zammit dated 13.01.2009, and which is bounded on the North by the public street Triq il-Witja, on the West by property of Jos Jane Construction Ltd, and on the East by property of the brothers Galea or their successors in title, as described in the acts of Notary James Grech dated 22.02.2017, free and unencumbered, with all its rights and appurtenances. The one car garage internally numbered 4, with internal measurements varying due to lack of symmetry, situated at semi basement level, and which forms part of the same block "Shishman Court" in Triq il-Witja, Tarxien, accessible from a ramp from the same street, without its airspace and is underlying third party property on the ground floor level of the same residential block. The said apartment number 6 and the internal garage numbered 4 form part of the block which is bounded on the North by the public street Triq il-Witja, on the West by property of the spouses Genius, on the East by property of the brothers Galea or their respective successors in title and are valued at €291,000. 23 rd May, 2024 11.30am 38/15 – EM Banif Bank Malta plc (C 41030) Vs Entertainments Limited (C 25687) et Maisonette over three floors, with number 31, including its relative airspace, in Triq Anastasio Cuschieri previously known as Triq Borg il-Gdida, Birkirkara, overlying third party property situated on the groundfloor level and therefore the street level, with access from the stairs from street level, free and unencumbered and is valued at €160,000. Appartment internally marked number 12, situated on the second floor, forming part of a block named Saint Mary Flats, in Triq Andrew Cunningham, Qawra, Saint Paul's Bay, accessible from the common area of the block, and has in common with the other apartments in the same block the main door, the entrance hall, the stairs, and the staircase, the passenger lift, the drainage system, and the use of the roof, and this according to the conditions resulting in the contract dated 18.11.2002 in the acts of Notary John Spiteri, bounded South East with the said street, North West with property of George Borg and West with property of Francis Gauci and others, free and unencumbered and is valued at €65,000. 28 th May, 2024 10.30am 34/23 – EGL Zammit Caruana Francesca (ID 592462M) Vs Caruana John (ID 96959M) Penthouse including its airspace, internally marked number 5 forming part of a block known by the letter B (B5), known by the name "The President" in Triq Birbal, Balzan, which enjoys the use of the common areas and the use of the lift, and which is presently leased, overlying a complex of garages at basement, semi basement maisonette and three apartments belonging to third parties, built on the site previously occupied by a semi detached villa numbered 83 previously numbered 44, and which was named Villa Aida, bounded entirely from South West with the said street, North West with property of the successors in title of Family Pace and South East with property of families Grech and Debono, as well as the adjacent garage with the same villa with number 81, in Triq Birbal and which is bounded South West with the said street from which it was accessible, South East with the said villa and North West with property of the successors in title of family Pace, with all its rights and appurtenances according to the contract in the acts of Notary Dr. Carmel Martinelli published on the 30.05.2005, and is valued at €515,000. Further details can be obtained from the website: The bidders taking part in the auction must present their identity card Gaetana Aquilina For the Registrar of Civil Courts and Tribunals occupied by a semi detached villa numbered 83 previously numbered 44, and which was named Villa Aida, bounded entirely from South West with the said street, North West with property of the successors in title of Family Pace and South East with property of families Grech and Debono, as well as the adjacent garage with the same villa with number 81, in Triq Birbal and which is bounded South West with the said street from which it was accessible, South East with the said villa and North West with property of the successors in title of family Pace, with all its rights and appurtenances according to the contract in the acts of Notary Dr. Carmel Martinelli published on the 30.05.2005, and is valued at €515,000. Further details can be obtained from the website: The bidders taking part in the auction must present their identity card Gaetana Aquilina For the Registrar of Civil Courts and Tribunals Vs Dr Josette Sultana et noe airspace and subsoil however excluding a part of the second floor of the said tenement which portion owned by third parties. The offers shall begin from €190,000 with the admission of extraneous bidders. 21 st May, 2024 11.30am 51/19 – EGL Farrugia Joseph (ID 732856M) Vs Zurrieq Football Club The tenement officially numbered 53 previously 30 in Triq il-Kbira, Żurrieq and two rooms one on each other that were taken from the tenement numbered 29 in Triq il- Kbira Żurrieq that are adjacent to the property of the buyer and this according to the public deeds 11.10.1987 and of the 29.10.1985 respectively. This tenement incorporates a three-storey building which approximately measures 177m² free and unencumbered with all its right and appurtenances and with vacant possession including the roof and its overlying airspace, however presently the tenement is occupied by third parties and valued €635,000. 23 rd May, 2024 10.30am 47/22 – EM Cachia Patrick (ID 179954M) Vs Cachia Glenn (ID 448693M) The apartment marked number 6, in 43, Shishman Court, in Triq il-Witja, Tarxien, consisting of an apartment on the first floor with entrance from an entrance hall, stairs and lift in common between nine apartments and which is accessible from a common stairs and lift and is overlying and underlying third party apartments, and is subject to and enjoys from the servitudes of pipe drains, drainage and rain water paths from the underlying and overlying tenements for maintenance, servicing and repairs purposes of the said pipe drains in reasonable hours and with a pre notice. More over, it enjoys the servitude of the laying and maintenance of a water tank of capacity not more than 750L on the highest roof of the block as well as the right of access to the said roof for installation, maintenance and repairs purposes of the said water tank, in reasonable hours and with an adequate pre notice. The apartment also enjoys the right, that against payment, connects with a common system of a television aerial and satellite dish. Finally, the apartment is subject to the passive servitudes and enjoys the rights and active servitudes resulting from its relative position in the block, including the divided portion of the roof of the block on the third floor of circa 5m2 including its airspace to be used only for drying clothes on a clothes horse and not by means of a clothes line poles and this as resulting from the contract in the acts of Notary Doctor Jonathan Zammit dated 13.01.2009, and which is bounded on the North by the public street Triq il-Witja, on the West by property of Jos Jane Construction Ltd, and on the East by property of the brothers Galea or their successors in title, as described in the acts of Notary James Grech dated 22.02.2017, free and unencumbered, with all its rights and appurtenances. The one car garage internally numbered 4, with internal measurements varying due to lack of symmetry, situated at semi basement level, and which forms part of the same block "Shishman Court" in Triq il-Witja, Tarxien, accessible from a ramp from the same street, without its airspace and is underlying third party property on the ground floor level of the same residential block. The said apartment number 6 and the internal garage numbered 4 form part of the block which is bounded on the North by the public street Triq il-Witja, on the West by property of the spouses Genius, on the East by property of the brothers Galea or their respective successors in title and are valued at €291,000. 23 rd May, 2024 11.30am 38/15 – EM Banif Bank Malta plc (C 41030) Vs Entertainments Limited (C 25687) et Maisonette over three floors, with number 31, including its relative airspace, in Triq Anastasio Cuschieri previously known as Triq Borg il-Gdida, Birkirkara, overlying third party property situated on the groundfloor level and therefore the street level, with access from the stairs from street level, free and unencumbered and is valued at €160,000. Appartment internally marked number 12, situated on the second floor, forming part of a block named Saint Mary Flats, in Triq Andrew Cunningham, Qawra, Saint Paul's Bay, accessible from the common area of the block, and has in common with the other apartments in the same block the main door, the entrance hall, the stairs, and the staircase, the passenger lift, the drainage system, and the use of the roof, and this according to the conditions resulting in the contract dated 18.11.2002 in the acts of Notary John Spiteri, bounded South East with the said street, North West with property of George Borg and West with property of Francis Gauci and others, free and unencumbered and is valued at €65,000. 28 th May, 2024 10.30am 34/23 – EGL Zammit Caruana Francesca (ID 592462M) Vs Caruana John (ID 96959M) Penthouse including its airspace, internally marked number 5 forming part of a block known by the letter B (B5), known by the name "The President" in Triq Birbal, Balzan, which enjoys the use of the common areas and the use of the lift, and which is presently leased, overlying a complex of garages at basement, semi basement COURT NOTICE The Registrar of Civil Courts and Tribunals informs that the Civil Court, First Hall ordered the following sales by auction: Date Time Judicial Sale No Place Items 15 th May, 2024 11.00am 7/24 – EGL MMH Malta Ltd (C 28154) Vs Dr Yanica Barbara Sant et noe Room number 78 nearby the Archivies, Level -1, Courts of Justice, Republic Street, Valletta Bastiment named MV Larobon, Cargo/Containership, IMO number 7514517, call sign 9I33A and with the flag of Zambia. Further details can be obtained from the website: The bidders taking part in the auction must present their identity card Gaetana Aquilina For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals Dalligate, the movie, is out. JUST under 12 years ago, the dis- graced European commissioner John Dalli made his exit from the Berlaymont building in Brussels, stripped of his role after an inter- nal probe by the EU's anti-fraud agency – OLAF – claimed he had failed to declare a bribery at- tempt. The evidence, circumstan- tial at best, were the timings of phone-calls made to Dalli by the late Silvio Zammit, a confi- dant who had been roped in by a Maltese lobbyist, Gayle Kim- berley, to convince Dalli to lift the EU retail ban on snus tobac- co, which her clients, Swedish Match, produced. Kimberley, a person of interest in the OLAF investigation was never charged. Zammit died in 2023 having spent the last 11 years of his life in unending court proceedings. Dalli has been belatedly charged in court to answer for trading in influ- ence on the alleged €60 million bribe request which Zammit floated to Swedish Match. Now, a new Belgian film is re- counting this story, from the point of view of one of Dalli's sole champions at the time: the Green MEP and French farmer, José Bové. In 'Smoke Signals' – or Une Af- faire de Principe – which stars the redoubtable Hollywood ac- tor Joaquim de Almeida as for- mer European Commissioner José Barroso, Bové (played by Boli Lanners) is the star of a film that pits the crusading MEP against a system he believes is manipulated by the great pow- ers of trade and commerce. The jury is out on how the film treats the discredited Dalli, even at a time when his maver- ick persecutor, OLAF director Giovanni Kessler, recently got 'Smoke Signals' has premiered in Strasbourg, seat of the European Parliament in France, where a crusading MEP is pitted against the European Commission in defence of the disgraced John Dalli Green MEP and French farmer, José Bové

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