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MT 1 May 2024 MIDWEEK

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15 NEWS maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 1 MAY 2024 FOLLOWING extensive restoration ef- forts, the iconic Grand Master's Palace will once more be welcoming the pub- lic during a special opening on Sunday 5th May. The Palace will be open at a reduced price with a captivating pro- gramme of activities. Nestled in the heart of Valletta, the Grand Master's Palace stands as a sym- bol of national heritage, commanding attention in St George's Square. Whilst strolling through its historic corridors and basking in its splendour, visitors un- ravel a tale which is more than four cen- turies old and which shaped our country as we know it today. During this special opening, animated guided tours will provide insights into the Palace's fascinatingly rich history. Tours will be conducted in both Maltese and English, with sessions scheduled at 09.30am (Maltese), 10.30am (English), 11.30am (Maltese), and 12.30pm (Eng- lish). Pre-booking on www.heritage- or at any Heritage Mal- ta museum or site is required for these tours. Adding to the event's allure, the Mal- ta Historical Fencing Association and the Fridericus Rex Malta Falconers will captivate audiences throughout the day, with demonstrations of their skills and the sharing of their knowledge with cu- rious guests. Those interested in becoming Heritage Malta members will have an opportuni- ty to do so, acquiring a Heritage Malta membership card and unlocking a host of benefits for future explorations of the nation's heritage. Additionally, students and seniors will be able to collect their Heritage Malta passports on the day. The Palace will be open to the public from 09:00 until 18:00. Public invited to a grand Sunday at the Grand Master's Palace Hospice Malta launches annual sunflower campaign to support free palliative care HOSPICE Malta has launched its annual fundraising initiative, the Sunflower Campaign 2024. The Sunflower campaign tag- line, 'Together we can make a difference,' is a call to action for the public's support to sustain its mission of providing free, com- prehensive palliative care servic- es to those in need. The Sunflower Campaign serves as a vital lifeline for Hos- pice Malta, enabling the organ- isation to continue its crucial work of assisting patients and their families. Donations re- ceived through the campaign contribute directly to sustaining essential services such as Home Care, Day Therapy, HydroTher- apy, Bereavement Support, Care Assistant Services, Loan of Spe- cialised Equipment, After-Hours On-Call services, and Patient Transport. In addition to supporting ongo- ing services, funds raised will go towards the completion of Hos- pice Malta's latest project - the St. Michael Hospice Complex. Anticipated to open its doors later this year, this new Palliative Care facility will significantly ex- pand community-based palliative care services and introduce new inpatient services for individuals facing end-of-life conditions. Kenneth Delia, CEO of Hos- pice Malta, expressed gratitude for the public's continued sup- port, stating, "The new premises, St Michael Hospice, will provide the adequate infrastructure for Hospice Malta's ever growing operations to be integrated un- der one roof. Apart from intro- ducing new inpatient services, we plan to continue expanding community palliative care ser- vices to reach all patients and their families. We are making a heartfelt appeal to the public and encourage everyone to help us raise funds to make a tangible difference in the lives of patients and their families." Information leaflets about the campaign and how to contribute are being delivered to house- holds throughout Malta and Gozo and the public is strongly encouraged to contribute and support in making a difference in the lives of numerous patients and their families. Those inter- ested in contributing can reach out to Hospice Malta directly or donate through various chan- nels, including SMS and bank transfers.

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