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11 SURVEY maltatoday | SUNDAY • 5 MAY 2024 JAMES DEBONO Labour lead decreases to 17,000 votes before tumultuous week Labour's lead narrows from 10 points to 7 points as non-voters increase by six points • PL loses 23% of 2022 voters to abstention, up from 14% in March The Labour Party retains an absolute majority of 50.7% al- though it loses two points since March, while the Nationalist Party scores 44.2%, the latest MaltaToday survey shows. The PL now leads the PN by seven points, which translates into a vote gap of 17,100 on the back of a predicted turnout of 71%. In March, the PL led the PN by 10 points and a more pro- nounced 28,700-vote advan- tage. The turnout in March stood at 77%. The survey asked how people will vote in the European Par- liament election to be held on 8 June. The reduced gap between the two major parties does not re- flect any significant gains for the PN. The Opposition party sees its vote share increase by only 1.6 points despite the PL's losses. The latest survey puts the strength of third parties and independents collectively at 5.1%, a marginal increase from 4.6% last March. Snapshot before explosive start of campaign The survey results provide a snapshot of the electorate taken in the last two weeks in April before the formal start of the parties' campaigns and a tumultuous week dominated by the political fallout from the hospitals magisterial inquiry. PAGES 12 - 15 > Both Bernard Grech (top) and Robert Abela (above) address their followers on Labour Day

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