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MALTATODAY 12 May 2024

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2 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 12 MAY 2024 NEWS The articles hereunder form part of a content series called Ewropej. This is a multi-newsroom initiative part-funded by the European Parliament to bring the work of the EP closer to the citizens of Malta and keep them informed about matters that affect their daily lives. These articles reflect only the authors' views. The action was co-financed by the European Union in the frame of the European Parliament's grant programme in the field of communication. The European Parliament was not involved in its preparation and is, in no case, responsible for or bound by the information or opinions expressed in the context of this action. In accordance with applicable law, the authors, interviewed people, publishers or programme broadcasters are solely responsible. The European Parliament can also not be held liable for direct or indirect damage that may result from the implementation of the action. Vitals, Steward, Fearne: Let's try to round things up in under 100 words. For- mer PM Joseph Muscat is going to be ac- cused of bribery and corruption over the sale of three public hospitals to a com- pany with no experience in healthcare. And it's not just him – Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi are being charged with similar crimes. Chris Fearne is being charged with defrauding the government and misappropriation of funds. Pending these charges, he has stepped down as deputy prime minister. There are other public officials being charged that are yet to resign. Ewropej 2024: MaltaToday and Lovin Malta have joined forces to host a series of debates in the run-up to the Europe- an election. This week we held a debate at MCAST and were joined by Thomas Bajada (PL), Louise Ann Pulis (PN), San- dra Gauci (ADPD), and Conrad Borg Manche (Independent). To read a full report of the debate, you can click here. Next week, we will be holding another debate at the Mosta Rotunda, and we will be joined by Steve Ellul (PL), Lee Buge- ja Bartolo (PN), Ralph Cassar (ADPD), Matthias Iannis Portelli (Volt), Simon Mercieca (Independent). Politico readers quizzed on Malta: Jo- seph Muscat's corruption charges have made international headlines, but also quizzes! Politico publish a weekly news quiz on the EU election to test how close- ly their readers have been following the campaign trail. This week, their readers were quizzed on Joseph Muscat and the Vitals scandal. The question: "Joseph Muscat […] was charged in connection with a privatization scandal involving what kind of property?". The answers: schools, nightclubs, government build- ings, hospitals. We're assuming you know the answer. If not, you need to read more of our Election Playbook :) OSCE: In 2022, the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE for short) issued an expert re- port on Malta's general election. In this report, the OSCE said that tax refund and stimulus cheques distributed by the government during the election cam- paign did not conform to international standards and good practice. This year, it looks like the OSCE will again scruti- nise the cheques and their timing. The organisation told Times of Malta that it will be sending analysts to Malta who will look into this and "other issues key to the election". Volt Malta manifesto: This week, the pan-European party Volt launched its manifesto across Europe. The party's only Maltese candidate, Matthias Iannis Portelli, said the party is pledging strong- er rights for the LGBTQIA+ communi- ty, sexual and reproductive health rights, and the creation of a European Basic Income. Volt also wants to establish a protected right to be offline outside of working hours and require employers to accept the request for remote work from employees if it's possible to do the job remotely. In case you didn't know, Volt is running for the European Parliament elections with the same programme and name in over a dozen countries. Charges and resignations Matthias Iannis Portelli NICOLE MEILAK A high-profile resignation and charges abound – we look back at week two of the election campaign Metsola on I am a candidate ROBERTA Metsola will not sway either way when asked whether she intends cap- taining the Nationalist Party in the next general election. "I will not speculate on what happens af- ter 8 June. I am a PN candidate. It has been a privilege to be an MEP for 11 years. I am a candidate like anybody else," the European Parliament president said. She was being interviewed in Kyiv during a short visit to Ukraine to mark Europe Day. The interview can be viewed on mal- Metsola said her job was to convince peo- ple to go out and vote on 8 June. "I will take it step by step and never speculate," she added, avoiding a definitive answer and insisting the party is led by Bernard Grech and had a good team of candidates for the MEP election. Metsola said she was "saddened" by the developments in the Vitals scandal, which saw former prime minister Joseph Muscat and several others face criminal charges. She criticised Prime Minister Robert Ab- ela over his reaction to the inquiry con- clusions and the subsequent charges filed against the individuals. "The Prime Minister is not showing lead- ership and instead is attacking the judici- ary and journalists. I do not want to have a Prime Minister who calls our judiciary terrorists. The minimum we expect from a prime minister in a democratic country is to guide the country out of this crisis," she said. Metsola reflected on the different emo- tions the Vitals case has inspired. "There are some who feel vindicated by what has happened but there are people who voted for the Labour Party because they believed in a different political system and today feel betrayed… it is my job as a politician to work to ensure that people feel they are protected irrespective of who they are." Metsola insisted that everybody should SAVIOUR BALZAN "I will not speculate on what happens after 8 June. I am a PN candidate. It has been a privilege to be an MEP for 11 years. I am a candidate like anybody else."

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