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MALTATODAY 12 May 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 12 MAY 2024 6 COMMERCIAL Constructing a greener future: The rise of sustainable development in construction IN the realm of construc- tion, the paradigm is shift- ing towards a greener future. Sustainable development has emerged as a guiding princi- ple, reshaping how we envision, design, and erect structures. From towering skyscrapers to humble abodes, the ethos of sustainability is revolutioniz- ing the built environment. At its core, sustainable devel- opment in construction is about harmonizing human needs with the preservation of our planet. It encompasses a multifaceted approach that considers envi- ronmental, social, and econom- ic factors. Key pillars include energy efficiency, resource conservation, waste reduction, and the use of eco-friendly ma- terials. Energy efficiency lies at the heart of sustainable construc- tion. Buildings are notorious energy guzzlers, responsible for a significant portion of glob- al greenhouse gas emissions. Embracing energy-efficient de- sign principles, such as passive heating and cooling, high-per- formance insulation, and smart HVAC systems, can dramat- ically slash energy consump- tion while enhancing occupant comfort. Integrating renewable energy sources like solar pan- els and wind turbines further reduces reliance on fossil fuels, paving the way for a cleaner, more sustainable future. In Malta these challenges have spurred a way of innova- tion and collaboration within the industry. One of the key strategies driving sustainable development in Malta is the adoption of the Document F which will become compulsory starting July 2024. But what ex- actly is the Document F? Let's delve into it, so you can grasp what will be obligatory starting this summer. Document F comprises three segments: Section 1 – Minimum Energy Performance and Building En- velope Requirements for Resi- dential Structures: This segment outlines the minimum energy performance criteria for new and refurbished residential buildings. These criteria pertain to the overall energy efficiency of such struc- tures and the performance of retrofitted or replaced building components. Section 2 – Minimum Energy Performance and Building Envelope Requirements for Non-Residential Structures: This section delineates the minimum energy performance criteria for new and refurbished non-residential buildings in- tended for human occupancy. Section 3 – Technical Building Systems: This part sets forth the min- imum energy performance criteria for technical building systems in new and refurbished residential and non-residential structures intended for human occupancy. But what about these subsec- tions? How will they impact us? Since all buildings will use some amount of energy, Dcou- ment F will require the incorpo- ration of aspects of Renewable Energy Sources into buildings, to compensate for the energy used. This aligns with Euro- pean Regulations promoting energy efficiency in buildings. Furthermore, Document F in- troduces alterations to insula- tion standards, such as thicker roof insulation, and enhance- ments to heating and cooling systems. Some existing requirements, like the obligation to have a runoff water well, have been retained in this updated Doc- ument F. However, this re- quirement has been bolstered, including the obligation to con- nect the well to at least one wa- ter point. Beyond environmental con- siderations, sustainable devel- opment in construction also en- compasses social and economic dimensions. Green building practices create healthier, more liveable spaces for occupants, with improved indoor air qual- ity and natural lighting. More- over, investing in sustainable construction creates jobs, stim- ulates economic growth, and enhances the resilience of com- munities in the face of climate change. Sustainable development is reshaping the construction in- dustry, ushering in a new era of eco-conscious building practic- es. By prioritizing energy effi- ciency in buildings, we can con- struct a greener, more resilient future for generations to come. For more information visit

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