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MALTATODAY 19 May 2024

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EDUCATORS were left fuming after three agreements for different grades within the public sector were sealed last week, while their sectoral agree- ment remains in abeyance. Teachers, LSEs and school management staff, who spoke to MaltaToday on con- dition of anonymity, said talks on their agreement have dragged on for too long. They also expressed frustration because they have no idea what is being discussed. "The government announced three new agreements were signed at the start of the public service expo that impacted some 7,000 public sector workers but said nothing about the failure to conclude an agreement that will impact more than 10,000 educators," a secondary school teacher said. The common question among all those who spoke to this newspaper was: "Where is our agreement?" PAGE 5 YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT SUNDAY 19 MAY 2024 • ISSUE 1280 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY List your property with us. A NEW SOLE AGENCY SERVICE WHERE YOU ARE OUR PRIORITY SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? Making sure Malta can produce high- quality interpreters for the EP PAGES 12 - 13 Turning up the heat at the Love villa: Love Island is back! PAGE 15 Language Reality TV maltatoday KURT SANSONE Labour's MEP manifesto: From naive pacifism to small island realism ANALYSIS PAGES 8 - 9 Industrial strife in schools could disrupt exams Drug trafficker for Sicilian clan arrested in Malta PAGE 3 Mafia Voting green €1.95 AD ADPD MEP candidate PD MEP candidate Ralph Cassar on Ralph Cassar on why a 'green vote' why a 'green vote' is better than not is better than not voting voting INTERVIEWMT2 'Where is our agreement?': More than 10,000 educators fume as sectoral agreement talks stall • Education Minister to meet MUT As exams loom on the horizon for students in primary and secondary schools, the MUT has given government a five-day ultimatum to resolve the impasse that has stalled sectoral agreement talks Transport Malta to acquire new RHIBS but don't expect them anytime soon PAGE 13

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