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MALTATODAY 19 May 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 19 MAY 2024 6 COMMERCIAL Atlas Insurance presents Digital Marketing Innovation Award at JA Malta's Finals and Awards Event ATLAS Insurance proudly sponsored and presented the Digital Marketing Innovation Award at this year's JA Malta Finals and Awards Night, em- phasizing the critical role of digital marketing in today's en- trepreneurial landscape. Matthew von Brockdorff, Managing Director and CEO of Atlas Insurance, presented the award to the student-led company ReMind, for the out- standing strategy and deploy- ment of digital marketing tools in the promotion of its product Tiftakards, a multigenerational eco-friendly, 3-in-1 card game celebrating Maltese heritage. ReMind was also the winner of the Company of the Year Award and will be representing Malta at the #Gen_E in Catania, the world's largest entrepreneur- ship festival. Addressing the event, Mat- thew von Brockdorff praised the inventive spirit and deter- mination of the participating students, stating: "It is truly an honour for Atlas Insurance to support this award, and a re- warding experience for all the members of TeamAtlas to wit- ness the creativity and strategic thinking that these students bring to the table, preparing them for real-life experiences in the world of entrepreneurship. The importance of digital mar- keting continues to grow, and it is imperative for businesses, es- pecially start-ups, to champion this activity to succeed." Atlas Insurance has been a supporter of JA Malta for over 10 years, demonstrating a committed effort to nurture the next generation of business leaders by empowering them with essential skills and com- petencies to help build a posi- tive tomorrow, together. Malta Bankers' Association announces upcoming conference on financial crime compliance THE Malta Bankers' Associa- tion (MBA), in coordination with its Standing Committee on the prevention of Financial and Cy- ber Crime & Fraud, announced a forthcoming full-day confer- ence titled "Navigating Financial Crime: Creating a Level Play- ing Field", which will take place at the Xara Lodge, Rabat on 12 June. The conference aims to address the growing complexities and compliance challenges in the fi- nancial industry. It will provide valuable insights into financial crime from both local and in- ternational viewpoints, with a strong focus on promoting ethi- cal practices within the industry. To this end, "Navigating Finan- cial Crime: Creating a Level Play- ing Field" is designed to foster a deeper understanding of the in- tersecting worlds of compliance and ethics in the increasingly challenging anti-money launder- ing (AML) and counter-terror- ism financing (CTF) regulatory landscape. Participants will have the op- portunity to engage in a variety of sessions, including thought-pro- voking keynote speeches and specialized breakout discussions. These sessions are structured to facilitate an in-depth exploration of pressing compliance issues. Experts will lead interactive dis- cussions that allow for person- alized learning experiences and meaningful exchanges of ideas. Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights and actionable takeaways that can be imple- mented within their organiza- tions. The topics which will be discussed during the conference include: Compliance issues from various perspectives; Taxation from an AML viewpoint; the EU's Anti-Money Laundering Author- ity and other imminent EU AML initiatives; KYC issues; the role of the MLRO and related skills gaps within the industry; the Na- tional Risk Assessment 2023; and Fraud. The conference will host a mix- ture of international and local expert speakers from a diverse range of backgrounds and ex- pertise, including Dagmar Kolb (BNY Mellon), Erik Barnett (HS- BC Bank plc), Edward Attard (PwC), Clara Galdies (FIAU), Rob Rickards (Fisgard AML), Joette Sciortino (EY Malta), Julian Gri- ma (EY Malta), Alex Konewko (ARQ), Tim Tyler (ICA), Pauline Saliba (NCC), and Aaron Gross (Wise) whilst opening speeches will be given by Marcel Cassar (MBA Chair) and Alfred Zammit (FIAU Director). For more information on the conference and to register, please visit https://www.malt- cial-crime-creating-a-level-play- ing-field/ People and pedal power combine for cancer research A new crowdfunding campaign has launched on Zaar to support avid cyclist Alan Azzopardi's ALIVE2024 Cycling Challenge for Cancer Research. Alan is gearing up to take on the annual cycling challenge with the ALIVE Charity Founda- tion, which will cover a stagger- ing 1200km and 7000m of verti- cal elevation across Italy, France and Spain – all in the name of cancer research at the Universi- ty of Malta. Between 20-29 June, Alan and his teammates will kick-start their monumental journey in Milan, before heading through France and crossing the finish line in the beautiful city of Giro- na, Spain. To prepare, all cyclists on the team have attended compulso- ry group training in an intense training programme that began in February and will finish just before the challenge in June. The challenge is the latest from the ALIVE Charity Foundation, a non-profit organisation com- mitted to funding cancer re- search projects and scholarships. Since 2013, ALIVE has raised €900,000 through volunteer do- nations, corporate contributions and charity events, driven by the dedication and hard work of the cyclists taking part in each an- nual challenge, and helping to make significant strides in the fight against cancer. With a goal to raise €400 by the end of May via the Zaar crowd- funding campaign, Alan hopes that his feat of human endur- ance, combined with the gener- osity of the Maltese community, will also shed light on the im- portance of supporting cancer research. Visit to support cancer research with a donation to the Cycling 1200km for Cancer Research campaign.

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