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MaltaToday 22 May 2024 MIDWEEK

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9 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 22 MAY 2024 NEWS MARIANNA CALLEJA MEP candidates clashed on Monday… over whose party is the cruellest! The one that "stole three pub- lic hospitals," or the one that "used the establishment to publish an inquiry at the start of an electoral campaign". On TVM's Xtra, candidates for the two major parties trad- ed accusations over the hos- pitals scandal, its timing, the criticism levelled towards the judiciary, and requests for res- ignations. PN MEP candidate Peter Agius expressed disgust at the manner by which the Labour Party wanted to turn the June election into a vote of confi- dence for Joseph Muscat. "Joseph Muscat's political behaviour was judged by peo- ple when he contested and won elections, but his alleged criminal behaviour needs to be judged by the courts," Agius said, while calling for institu- tions to be allowed to function properly. Agius spoke of how rare it is for politicians "to be caught with their hand in the sack, stealing," mentioning that he only recalls a case involving former 1980s Labour minister Lorry Sant in a somewhat simi- lar situation. He also accused Prime Minis- ter Robert Abela of instigating attacks towards the judiciary and asked what the PM had to lose. Labour MEP Alex Agius Sali- ba, who is seeking re-election, hit back accusing the PN of being only interested in throw- ing people in jail. "Who tried hijacking the campaign, using the establishment, so we do not talk about our priorities and work, and instead speak only about fraud; throwing people in jail, hate, and protests?" Agius Saliba accused the PN of instigating hate by using "the establishment to publish an in- quiry on the day, the hour, the minute an electoral campaign took off." "This is the narrative his (Pe- ter Agius) party brought forth, as it fails to grasp that cruelty and hate lead nowhere," Agius Saliba remarked with evident frustration. Noticing his tone, PN MEP candidate Lee Bugeja Bartolo cautioned him to be mindful of it and accused the Labour MEP of hypocrisy. "I am quite surprised to hear accusations of cruelty from someone employing such an aggressive tone. Perhaps it's worth reflecting on your own tone first," Bugeja Bartolo re- marked, questioning how a political party engaging on cur- rent affairs issues could be con- sidered cruel. Bugeja Bartolo said the PL was cruel when it allowed three public hospitals to be appro- priated by private interests in a fraudulent manner. "What nerve you must have to accuse the PN of cruelty after that," he said. Labour MEP candidate Clau- dette Abela Baldacchino de- fended her party by highlight- ing the absence of a manifesto or proposals by the PN. Quot- ing former PN general secre- tary Clyde Puli, she criticised the Opposition for focusing solely on one issue, suggesting that the "Vitals inquiry serves as their entire manifesto." "I want to see at least one pro- posal from you," Abela Baldac- chino insisted before accusing the PN of doing the country harm in Brussels. MEP candidates clash on which party... is the cruellest Xtra on TVM | MEP candidates spar over accusations of cruelty and political manipulation during TV debate THE Marriott Resort & Spa has now been classified as a resort property after a €40 mil- lion investment. During a visit to the hotel, Prime Minister Robert Abela stated that seasonal tourism has now become, "a thing of the past," as he noted how tourism numbers keep in- creasing even outside of the peak summer months. Abela said that government will keep aid- ing the tourism industry as it is a main con- tributor to the economy, while noting that government's strategy will aim to see how the sector can "flourish in new realities." He further highlighted the importance of the island's connectivity, as Abela noted that while the vast majority of tourists come from Europe and other surrounding coun- tries, there is an increasing number of tour- ists which come from different continents. Abela was joined by tourism minister Clayton Bartolo. Malta Marriott classified as resort property

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