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MALTATODAY 26 May 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 26 MAY 2024 6 COMMERCIAL MITA participated in the Pub- lic Service Expo 24, held be- tween 15th May 'till 19th May at MFCC in Ta' Qali. The Expo, organized by the Government Public Service, aimed to show- case the various facets of the Public Administration its Min- istries and the services provid- ed to the citizens. The EXPO was open to the public admin- istration employees, students, and the general public. During the Expo, attendees had the opportunity to meet with our employees and learn more about the Agency's work. Attendees who visited our stand had the opportunity to witness the functionality of our network operations connec- tivity across the government departments by replicating on stand a network cabinet and its components. MITA employees were explaining to the general public how these components form part of a larger Magnet connectivity across the whole government and interacting with students who are interest- ed in pursuing a career in the IT Sector. Additionally, by visiting the MITA stand one could also ob- tain more information in rela- tion to e-government forms. Visitors attending the Expo had the opportunity to under- stand the backend process once the citizen applies for a service through the on-line forms por- tal. Overall, MITA's involvement through its presence on the OPM Stand underscored its role in Malta's public adminis- tration, contributing to the Ex- po24 success in engaging and educating the general public about the government's ICT implementation. The Principal Permanent Secretary Mr. Tony Sultana launched the Malta GeoHub portal. This was developed by MITA, in collaboration with Planning Authority, Environ- ment and Resources Authori- ty, Ambjent Malta, Transport Malta, Project Green, Infra- structure Malta and Superin- tendence of Cultural Heritage. The Malta GeoHub portal complements the government's National Spatial Data Infra- structure implementation by providing a single common ge- ospatial portal. The portal aims to improve the accessibility and usability of geospatial data and services for various stakehold- ers, including government enti- ties, businesses, academia, and citizens. Furthermore, during the Expo24, Ms. Joyce Dimech, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry for Home Affairs, Se- curity and Employment, Mr. Steve Agius, Identita CEO and Ing. Emanuel Darmanin, MITA CEO launched the Person Reg- ister Project. This project will give Government departments and Agencies access to a cen- tral database of Malta residents. The project will also mean that individuals will only need to go once to have their personal da- ta updated on the government database. MITA participates in Public Service Expo 24

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