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MaltaToday 29 May 2024 MIDWEEK

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6 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 29 MAY 2024 NEWS MATTHEW VELLA KARL AZZOPARDI Letter of Intention - Dispersa Malta Limited Nicholas Paul Wain, William Wallace Hastings, and Bryan Nicholas Davies of Dispersa (Malta) Limited, declare their intention for the company to register for an Employment Agency license, as a temporary employment agency in accordance with, the Employment Agencies Regulation (L.N. 270 of 2023). The activities proposed to be carried out are the following: Acting as the Employer of Record (EOR) for international and local clients in the capacity of a temporary employment agency; and Employment under Dispersa (Malta) Limited of any worker (nationals, residents, and third-country nationals who may be eligible for SEI and KEI) identified by the client and assigning such workers to the client on fully remote basis. The Official Registered Address of the company is situated at Level 5, St. Julian's Business Centre, Elia Zammit Street, San Giljan, STJ 3153, Malta. Please reach out to the Dispersa (Malta) Limited solely at or via phone call +356 20341737 Company Registration Number: C 101558 NATIONALIST Party leader Bernard Grech exhorted Net TV followers to use their vote in a bid to curtail Labour's ex- pected majority in the 2024 European elections, after calling out the scenes of protest outside the law courts by Labour voters in support of Joseph Muscat. "It is a black day indeed… we must be certainly being perceived as a kind of jungle to witness the scenes outside these law courts," Grech said. Grech however said that he laid no fault at the feet of Labour supporters who turned up in droves outside the law courts to support disgraced premier Jo- seph Muscat, who along former minis- ters, aides and other financial practition- ers, was charged with money laundering. Muscat and other eight persons, and companies, have all filed not-guilty pleas. "It is not these people's fault. These people have been instigated, and the responsibility lies with whoever goaded them into going outside the law courts. This is clear evidence that the end jus- tifies the means: those who want to pro- tect Joseph Muscat at all costs by intim- idating the justice process, encouraged this mob to go outside the law courts," Grech said. Grech said Maltese prime minister Robert Abela had ensured continui- ty from the Muscat administration, by employing all the necessary measures to protect his predecessor. "The machine is the same. Changing the leader and their suit is simply not enough. It is the lead- er that must change. People must effect this change: they must do this with their vote, and turn this black day into one that shines light on Malta." Grech accused Abela of having himself sowed the danger of public chaos by ac- cusing the PN of trying to provoke the mob when it was Muscat loyalist and Labour propagandist Manuel Cuschieri who convened the protest. "If Abela secures another large elector- al majority, he will be doing worse than what is happening today: the scenes we saw today outside the law courts will be- come worse, and take place elsewhere. I am ready to be on this frontline to take this country forward, but people must vote for the change." Nationalist MEP incumbent and pres- ident of the European Parliament, Rob- erta Metsola, said the scenes outside the law courts "were not what Malta should be about." Metsola said the show of support out- side the law courts for Muscat was "a re- minder of just how hard we all need to work to push our country forward. Of how badly the Prime Minister has lost control." She accused Prime Minister Robert Abela of having done nothing to stop Labour supporters from converging out- side the courts while Muscat was being charged in court. "We need real leadership. We need this constant Government-fuelled tribalism to stop. Our politics needs to go beyond the Prime Minister's hyper-partisan- ship. We need justice to work without political pressure. Today is a reminder of just how important the election on 8 June is. If you're still wondering about the value of your vote, look at Valletta today." Muscat protests outside court 'a black day', Bernard Grech says in call to vote PN PN leader Bernard Grech JOSEPH Muscat and his family re- fused to provide investigators with pass codes to their personal devices following a raid at their home, the Vitals magistral inquiry reveals. The magistrate later gave the go- ahead for the devices to be hand- ed over to the US Department of Homeland Security Investigations' Cyber Crimes Center (C3) to un- lock them and extract all the data. The inquiry report says that the court-appointed expert delivered the electronic devices to Special Agent Gary Tirabassi at the Wes- tin Dragonara on 12 August 2022. Muscat's Burmarrad home was searched by the police on 19 Jan- uary 2022 as part of the corrup- tion probe into the Vitals Global Healthcare hospitals deal. Finan- cial crime investigators entered Muscat's house at around 7:28am and spent at least three hours on the property, seizing his mobile phone and other electronic equip- ment, along with those of his wife Michelle Muscat and their two daughters. During the raid, a white Huawei VOG-L29 belonging to Michelle Muscat, an Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max belonging to Joseph Muscat, a light blue Apple iPhone 11 Pro and a grey Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max belonging to their daughters, a grey Apple iPad, a white Apple iPhone 5S, another Apple iPad and a pink Huawei BLA-Aloo, and the devic- es' corresponding SIM cards were seized during the search. Joseph and Michelle Muscat re- fused to provide the six-digit PIN code to unlock their phones. Even- tually, the data was extracted from the devices by the American cyber crimes centre and passed on to the Maltese experts for analysis. Last Sunday, MaltaToday exclu- sively published the full inquiry re- port into the hospitals concession. Two of the most prominent lo- cal players in the scandal, Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi, held numerous companies engaged in consultancy agreements with vari- ous other companies to help them win tenders issued by Maltese au- thorities, in return for a commis- sion fee. According to the inquiry, the primary companies, Eurybates and Gateway Solutions, were used to skim profits from government tenders in the case of the former, while the latter was used to take over Technoline, which VGH used for 'exclusive' supply of medical equipment. With regards to former the Prime Minister, whose government over- saw the fraudulent concession, Jo- seph Muscat netted over €450,000 in consultancies from several pri- vate companies between 2020 and 2021. Some €60,000 of this came from a Swiss company, Accutor, that had links to some of the Vitals in- vestors. In the summer of 2019, Accutor started receiving monthly payments that would eventually tot up to more than €1 million in pay- ments from Steward Health Care, the American company that took over the hospitals concession. Then Steward boss, Armin Ernst, had de- scribed these payments as funds for "political and government support". Muscat refused to give Vitals inquiry investigators electronic device passwords after raid

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