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MALTATODAY 9 June 2024

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THE results of the local coun- cil elections won't be known until mid-week because the MEP votes will be counted first (these results will be an- nounced after 11pm on Sunday once polling stations all over the EU have closed). But now is a good a time as any to ponder that age-old question: If candidates running for re-election can promise us all sorts of marvellous things that they will be doing for their town/village over the next few years, why haven't they done them during this last term in the first place? It is a slap in the face to see a sudden spark of interest in the community where there was sheer utter neglect for so long… just because they want our vote. The run-around which residents invariably get is a source of constant frustra- tion and irritation - the coun- cils blame the central govern- ment or entities like Transport Malta and vice-versa. Then, when push comes to shove, no one is accountable. Just to cite one example, I would love to know who is responsible for fixing our uneven, precar- ious pavements and dangerous potholes because whoever it is should be fired. You would think it should be a relatively basic request to be able to walk around your town without the fear of spraining your ankle, fracturing your leg or falling flat on your face, but daily photos of hazards posted on Facebook indicate other- wise. For all the campaigning and slogans, I would expect local councils to have come to grips with ensuring safety for those on foot (and preventing drivers and cyclists from suf- fering potential injuries). Yet I will probably be informed that "no, sorry, sinjura, pavements and potholes fall under Infra- structure Malta". So many re- sponsibilities and funds have been snatched away from the councils, that it begs the ques- tion - are we kidding ourselves that we still really need them? To me it seems they have been reduced to organising the oc- casional local event to give the illusion that they are not com- pletely useless, while certain mayors go around puffing their chest acting like they own the place. It also hasn't escaped an- yone's notice that there has been a flurry of activity with photo ops everywhere you look of projects being inaugurat- ed by the Prime Minister and members of his Cabinet at a furious pace, especially where there is a Labour-led council. You cannot blame the elec- torate for becoming so cynical, when politicians have turned cynicism into a fine art. Here is just a sample from the last few months: 5 June - the inauguration of the new football pitch in Qa- la, Gozo which cost more than €400,000. "This project will allow the children of Qala to train safely and in a pleasant environment, while the local team Qala Saints now has a worthy place to operate from" said Minister of Gozo and Planning, Clint Camilleri 5 June - the inauguration of a recreational area in Qormi, "these recreational areas are essential for every community" said Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government Alison Zerafa Civelli 5 June - the inauguration of Mosta square project (even though it was completed months ago). "We also need to have the courage to bring about change while listening to the community," PM Abela said. 29 May - A 9,000 square me- tre garden in Birgu was inau- gurated after it was regener- ated into a recreational space. "We are committed to contin- ue with our work to have lo- calities with more open spaces that are able to be enjoyed by residents, families and chil- dren," said PM Robert Abela. 17 May - A project to upgrade the Kalkara square and shore- line was inaugurated consist- ing of 16,500 square meters of open space. "A project that is also a sym- bol of our commitment to continue creating more open spaces where the communi- ty, families, and people can meet..." stated Environment Minister Dalli. 24 April - "An open space for the community" was inau- gurated in a housing estate in Santa Lucia, with the project carried out with an investment of a quarter of a million euros You will note the repetition of certain buzzwords lately like 'open space', 'families', 'com- munity' which have become de rigueur at every press con- ference. Maybe there's some kind of handbook which they have to follow. Environment Minister Miriam Dalli has been saying "open spaces" for a while now, probably as often as she says "Project Green". It is a pity, however, that these nice-sounding phrases jar so gratingly with what is really happening. For every open space, which is inevitably just more concrete and street fur- niture, we have trees being chopped down or (as happened in Mosta) being viciously poi- soned while the culprits are mysteriously never found. Instead of leaving nature alone to grow in its original environment, we have igno- rant philistines in charge who prefer uprooting what is al- ready there only to replace in- digenous trees with unsuitable potted plants in an attempt to appease residents (with the ob- ligatory smirking photos then uploaded on Facebook). If we are serious about open spaces, permits for towering apartment blocks which end up blocking any sunlight and which prevent people from using their own roofs because their privacy has been invaded, should be refused. Buildings being built back to back with balconies practically touching each other should also be abol- ished. Access to nature is al- ready limited but to feel suffo- cated and snuffed out in one's own home is even worse. As for Project Green, while the plans always sound ex- tremely ambitious, the only green we seem to see around us are sterile playgrounds with a couple of bushes and green paint, or else the famous wall gardens lining certain main roads which end up shrivelled and dying because they are not properly irrigated. Meanwhile, for every project intended to make us think that the gov- ernment is "doing something" about the environment, more and more of our rapidly dis- appearing, untouched land is being taken over by relentless over-development. So, for all the hype about "more open spaces for fami- lies in our communities", I'm afraid when we look around our neighbourhoods, that is not what we see. What we see are residents and NGOs having to constantly fight back against the authorities to prevent fur- ther encroachment and de- struction of what is left of our towns and villages. Meanwhile, we will know soon enough by the turnouts whether local councils have worked or have failed us, or whether they have been ren- dered completely irrelevant. 3 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 9 JUNE 2024 OPINION Hey local councils: What exactly are you responsible for? Josanne Cassar The Mosta square project was inaugurated on 5 June

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