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MALTATODAY 9 June 2024

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AUTHOR and intellectual Im- manuel Mifsud said on TVM on discussion programme Xtra that for Maltese voters, emotions trump rationality in elections. That could be true, but I disagree with my good friend Immanuel. Many voters are quite justified in voting the way they vote. To start with, it is the 'econ- omy stupid' and many Maltese and Gozitan voters are moti- vated in their decision by their financial status. No matter how much we put down this country of ours, with its ug- ly skyline, unbearable traffic, claustrophobia and pettiness, the quality of life is still in- credibly high for most. People in most demographic segments are better off than ever before; from pensioners to young people and first-time buyers. That is a recipe for complacency and a reluctance to be touched by the issues which are purely moral in na- ture. Having said this, the one thing that has irked most peo- ple especially young people is the lacklustre side of poli- ticians. Their ability to only address problems when an election is looming over their heads or when surveys show a downward trend in support. The long-standing debate on Malta's problem with cor- ruption, planning, traffic, and environmental protection are still not do-or-die voting is- sues. The choice I believe is based on whether they are convinced a party can manage the country effectively. There are those that place the issue of corruption a pri- ority, but they are the abso- lute minority. Even though they are perfectly justified in reneging on their party in the face of irrefutable facts that confirm corruption. History serves to remind us that moral issues will on- ly matter when the economy starts to flounder. Only then will people come together and cry wolf. This campaign has been an uneventful political campaign, and where it not for the Vitals' inquiry, we would be lost for a subject to discuss. Other than Vitals, most of the debates that took place did nothing to excite the public. Many voters were not even aware of the political topics. Younger people, the 16-year- olds in particular, were at a loss. And no matter how hard we try, we must admit that most 16 years old have got no clue of what they are doing next. This MEP election has of- fered few stars; okay Metsola is a star for so many, but she is geared for a European po- litical market not the Maltese one. Yesterday when she vot- ed in Sliema, her message was in English not Maltese, pack- aged for the foreign audience watching her. The other individuals who did strike a chord, were Steve Ellul and Thomas Bajada, two Labour candidates and to a lesser extent Peter Agius (PN). Others simply did not make the grade. David Agius (PN) and Daniel Attard (PL) came across as too cocky. The latter incalculably arrogant. And David Casa, the jaw clenching PN veteran, comes across as expired and repetitive while some of the other MEP candidates lacked the confidence to string a structured argument let alone face a simple question. In terms of singular cam- paigning, the Oscar has to go to former Green boss Arnold Cassola, who stood out for his eloquence and fighting spirit. Yet at the very end of the day, most people will be looking at the political leaders; Rob- ert Abela and Bernard Grech. They are the ones who inspire or disappoint. It was a campaign which saw the PL with a well-oiled ma- chine and a PN attempting to keep up. It was characterised by a PL campaign which was positive in the messaging and a PN campaign which for want of a better word, repeated the same mistake of appearing negative. Europe hardly fea- tured in the debate. It was all about little Malta and what was in it for us. The political parties also have their targets in this elec- tion. Abela wants a 30,000 lead on the Nationalist Party and Grech a difference of just 20,000 and a third seat. It will be a pyrrhic victory for both. The likeliness of a third par- ty or individual attaining a threshold is very unlikely, but the combined third-party vote could wreck the plans of the major parties. We will wake up with an elec- toral result and spend some days listening to victorious chants and recriminations. It will determine to what extent Abela will continue defending Joseph Muscat, the disgraced ex prime minister, who faces numerous criminal charges. It will also raise the question whether the PM will consider opening to new niche issues which have been ignored for obvious political reasons. It will help Bernard Grech decide whether he will stay or go. Though it very much appears that going for Grech does not seem to be on his agenda. For the rest of us it will be yet another day. Grappling with the news, trying to give con- text to the decisions that hap- pen in Brussels and trying our best to engage with our bored audience. maltatoday | SUNDAY • 9 JUNE 2024 OPINION 5 Saviour Balzan The day after Saviour Balzan is founder and co-owner of Media Today, publisher of MaltaToday, he is a TV host and pollster The likeliness of a third party or individual attaining a threshold is very unlikely, but the combined third- party vote could wreck the plans of the major parties

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