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MALTATODAY 9 June 2024

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TO mark the Web's 35th anni- versary, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the father of the World Wide Web (WWW), published a re- flective view highlighting its transformative journey and cur- rent challenges. His thoughts serve as a crucial analysis of the Web's evolution and a blueprint for its potential future. Originally conceived as a de- centralised platform to foster collaboration, creativity, and compassion, the Web lived up to these expectations in its early years. For instance, early platforms such as Wikipedia al- lowed users worldwide to share and access knowledge freely, while blogs and personal web- sites flourished, showcasing var- ious individual perspectives and content. However, over the past decade, a significant shift has occurred. The Web's initial ethos of de- centralisation and empower- ment has been overshadowed by centralisation, primarily driven by a handful of corporations. Companies like Google, Face- book, and Amazon have come to dominate the online landscape, creating a monopolistic web en- vironment. This centralisation has led to user data being exploited for profit. For example, Facebook's Cambridge Analytica scandal highlighted how personal infor- mation could be used without consent for targeted advertising and political manipulation. Similarly, Google's ad-target- ing practices have raised con- cerns about privacy and data security. These examples show- case the shift from the Web's original vision of a decentralised and empowering platform to a centralised and exploitative en- vironment. Such a shift raises questions about the Web's cur- rent state and its implications for individual autonomy, priva- cy, and democratic values. To address these challenges, there is a need for a paradigm shift back towards a more hu- man-centric Web. We need to dismantle data silos and encour- age a diverse range of voices and perspectives, thus fostering a digital environment that priori- tises human well-being and au- tonomy. To achieve this, platforms must return data control to in- dividuals. Such an infrastructure allows users to store their data in personal online data stores, of- ten referred to as 'pods'. These pods act like personal data warehouses, where each user has the authority to man- age and share their information as they see fit. For instance, imagine having a digital box to store all your data - from social media posts to bank details and health records. You decide who can access this box and what they can do with its data. This approach aims to restore the Web's original intention - a collaborative tool for humanity where users have complete con- trol over their data. Such a shift in data control could lead to a more balanced digital landscape, where users are not just consumers but also active participants in how their data is used and shared. It's a step towards a more democrat- ic and equitable Web, where the power is in the hands of the us- ers, not just a handful of corpo- rations. Moreover, the vision for the Web's future should extend to broader applications. Consider a future where the Web is a pow- erful tool for addressing global challenges. Increased openness, transpar- ency, and interoperability stand- ards are critical to this vision. For example, GitHub has fos- tered an open-source commu- nity where software developers can collaborate and contribute to each other's software projects. The Web should serve as a platform for collaborative prob- lem-solving, empowering in- dividuals and communities to tackle issues like climate change and public health collaborative- ly. Consider Foldit, a game-based platform where players can help scientists understand protein folding to aid medical research. In this vision, the Web is more than just a source of informa- tion; it becomes a global plat- form for collaboration and prob- lem-solving, harnessing its users' collective intelligence to crea- tively address the pressing issues of our time. Reflecting on Tim Bern- ers-Lee's profound thoughts and forward-looking proposals, we find ourselves at a crucial junc- ture in the history of the World Wide Web. He presents a technical blue- print for the Web's future and a clear call to uphold moral and ethical principles in our digital era. His advocacy goes beyond technological innovations, em- phasising an equitable, decen- tralised, and human-centric dig- ital landscape. This call should remind us to redirect our collective digital journey towards a future where technology is not an end but a means to serve the greater good. By embracing this vision, we are not just participating in the technological evolution of the Web; we are actively shaping a digital legacy that respects in- dividual rights, fosters global connectivity, and champions the collective welfare of societies worldwide. The path ahead is challenging, but realising a Web that remains faithful to its original mission is within our grasp. Let us commit to this high pursuit, ensuring the Web's continued role as a bea- con of hope in our digital age. The web rebooted Prof. Alexiei Dingli is head of the Department of Artifical Intelligence, University of Malta Alexiei Dingli 11 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 9 JUNE 2024 OPINION Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the father of the World Wide Web Over the past decade, a significant shift has occurred. The Web's initial ethos of decentralisation and empowerment has been overshadowed by centralisation, primarily driven by a handful of corporations.

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