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4 MEP ELECTION 2024 4 MATTHEW VELLA maltatoday | MONDAY • 10 JUNE 2024 THE Green Party issued a terse analysis of what went wrong for them in a European election that saw them poll lowly figures, well below other independent candi- dates, although no data is availa- ble at the time of writing. Leader Sandra Gauci said she would not step down as leader, but was disparaging of the main- stream parties' campaigns. "It is clear that people have de- cided that voting for a party is associated with something that is unclean," she said, to describe why voters had not opted for AD- PD. Instead it was the one-time AD- PD leader Arnold Cassola, now an independent politician after breaking in 2019 over the par- ty's pro-choice stand, that had pipped the Greens comfortably. But Gauci was unclear about the party's shortcomings. "Yes, we must look at what we did wrong," she replied when asked about Cassola's performance. "We certainly cannot blame oth- ers. We could have worked hard- er, but these things are what they are. Certainly people voted on emotions, not policies." "Both Labour and the PN have little to be happy about. The most crucial factor is that some 100,000 didn't vote… many vot- ers do not want to be associated with a party, and that's also why many independents crowded the field. It concerns us, as a party, apart from having to confront the nepotism that rules this country." Gauci claimed that corruption in Malta had scared people away from choosing a party, because voters associate parties with 'cor- ruption' or 'bribery'. "We still need a credible opposition to put the brakes on the government, and Roberta Metsola's victories in these elections are her own. It's useless piggy-backing on her votes." Gauci said she would not stand down from party leader. "My colleagues believe me and they have my back. I gave myself a time-limit… I'm not going to be here for 30 years. I will try once, twice, and at the third go I will take stock." ADPD candidate Ralph Cassar said the election was marked by a lack of interest in European is- sues. "The main parties did not even release their electoral man- ifesto. There was simple no inter- ested in EU policies." ADPD executive member Mario Mallia said the party will be analysing the results over the next weeks. "We will keep build- ing on this process, it is one step of many. We will always look at the road ahead to find ways of making this country a better place." Nationalist Party leader Ber- nard Grech said the European election result delivered a clear message to Robert Abela's ad- ministration in his first reac- tion. "This is the only survey that counts," Grech said of the poll- ing figures that preceded the election, during a Net TV in- terview on Sunday morning. Grech was greeted with rap- turous applause by party sup- porters at the Naxxar counting hall, where he praised the PN campaign saying the party had reached its goals and surpassed them. "It is clear that the people have spoken against an admin- istration's style of governing and wants an administration that can deliver serenity. The people are realising that La- bour only remembers its peo- ple when it needs their vote. People want a sober adminis- tration – it is not 'PR' that im- proves people's lives, but that you say something that is con- vincing," Grech said. The Opposition leader said the PN will be moving ahead "with calmness, without much euphoria". "Labour will still be in power today, but this result is a clear message to an administration that was heartless with a moth- er when she needed justice for her son," he said referring to the Jean Paul Sofia inquiry. Grech also accused Labour of having failed in spinning a nar- rative against the PN by accus- ing the party of backing war in Ukraine against Russia. He asked party helpers and voters to "stay humble" in the face of the result. "This is the road for the PN to reduce La- bour's majority," he said. PN Secretary General Mi- chael Piccinino described the election result as the best ev- er result obtained by the par- ty in a European election. He added that the gap – which at the time was estimated to be around 15,000 – was also the smallest ever in an EP election. Greens ADPD mourn dismal projections: 'People think parties are dirty' PN leader Bernard Grech: 'People have spoken out against Labour's style of administration' ADPD chairperson Sandra Gauci addresses the media with other ADPD candidates and members

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