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MALTATODAY 16 June 2024

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11 NEWS maltatoday | SUNDAY • 16 JUNE 2024 Reference: PT007/24 Petromal Co. Ltd., is issuing the following tender: CALL FOR TENDERS Opening Date: 19/06/24 | Closing Date: 15/07/24 Further information may be obtained by visiting our website or by sending an email on Petromal Company Ltd LAP121, Luqa Aviation Park, Vjal L-Avjazzjoni, Luqa T (356) 2220 8230 | M (+356) 9943 0035 | E | W TENDER FOR THE DISMANTLING OF STRUCTURES AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE AS PART OF THE DECOMMISSIONING WORKS AT SAN LUCJAN OIL TERMINAL, IN QAJJENZA decline has been sudden and dramatic Msida and San Gwann, which the PN flipped in its favour. The lowest gains were reg- istered in the 1st and 2nd dis- tricts, where the PN only man- aged to increase its vote tallies by 0.8 points and 1.4 points re- spectively. In the 7th District, where the PL shed almost 10 points, the PN only managed to increase its tally by 1.9 points as voters opted for independent candi- dates. It must be noted that in Ħaż-Żebbuġ (part of the 7th District), two independent candidates, incumbent Steve Zammit Lupi and his mother Lillibeth, were elected to the council and together with a third independent managed to poll almost a third of the lo- cality's votes. The PN's best result was ob- tained in the 10th District, which includes Sliema, where it scored 62.9%. The next best showing was in the 9th and 11th districts, where it polled 61.3% and 61.1% respectively. Its worst result was in the 2nd District where it secured 24.4% of votes, followed by the 3rd District where it secured 26.4%. The local election results show that despite its modest gains in Labour's strongholds, the PN still has a lot of work to do to breach the red wall along the south-eastern front. The road ahead Although local elections can be influenced by several factors that may not be present in a general election, they do give a strong indication of the public mood. The PL should be toasting its success – an absolute majority across all districts is not some- thing to be ignored – but par- ty strategists know that unless the government takes stock of the situation, what started as a significant decline could easily turn into a downward vortex by election time. The losses the party has suf- fered are the first such experi- ence in 15 years and the only reason they weren't heavier is because the PN is still being viewed with caution by voters. The tide against Labour may continue to advance if an em- boldened PN keeps its feet to the ground and continues to change over the coming years. For the PN, the results offer a glimmer of hope in an oth- erwise arid period which has seen the party deprived of an absolute majority in the coun- try since the 2003 election. The way to Castille is still a hard slog for Bernard Grech but with renewed vigour the PN may yet identify and address the reasons that are still keep- ing voters away from it. With the next electoral ap- pointment due in 2027, both parties will now return to the drawing board to chart out a course to success. But in an evolving political scenario where voters have shown will- ingness to support third parties and independents, neither the PL nor the PN can be assured of a straight road ahead. DISTRICT PN 2019 PN 2024 Diff. PN PL 2019 PL 2024 Diff. PL 1 35.4% 36.2% 0.8% 62.1% 59.7% -2.4% 2 23.0% 24.4% 1.4% 76.8% 75.2% -1.6% 3 22.3% 26.4% 4.0% 77.7% 70.4% -7.3% 4 25.8% 29.9% 4.2% 73.2% 70.1% -3.1% 5 27.0% 32.7% 5.8% 72.4% 66.3% -6.0% 6 37.5% 42.4% 4.9% 62.5% 57.6% -4.9% 7 36.9% 38.8% 1.9% 58.4% 48.5% -9.9% 8 50.7% 54.6% 3.9% 46.5% 37.3% -9.2% 9 55.1% 61.3% 6.1% 43.9% 37.8% -6.2% 10 57.0% 62.9% 5.9% 39.4% 33.4% -6.0% 11 54.6% 61.1% 6.5% 43.3% 36.4% -6.9% 12 50.0% 55.5% 5.5% 44.7% 38.9% -5.8% 13 46.7% 50.6% 3.9% 50.4% 46.1% -4.2%

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