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MALTATODAY 16 June 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 26 MAY 2024 2 CULTURE SisypheanQuick Fix by Bettina Paris Book review Bellilote u l-Bjar Ta' Napuljun Charles Xuereb Klabb Kotba Maltin, 2024 PARISIAN young couple Marin and Maxine arrive in Valletta on a cruise ship in 2024 and in no time bump into a Maltese young guide who takes them to Professor Faure, an archivist. Marin soon dis- covers that one of his ancestors, François Lhoste, in 1798 left a diary detailing where he had hid Saladin's emerald, a promise of love to Bellilote. This French bride had landed in Malta with Bonaparte's army, after honeymooning on board, dressed as a male soldier to remain with her spouse. After her Malta affair, she travelled to Cairo where she was seduced by Bonaparte. In our time, Marin races against a rival, searching for the diary in London, Paris and Marseille. Will he complete the circle and find the emerald first? And where on the Island? Launching the book (Klabb Kotba Maltin) last Fri- day in St Julian's at a square now called Wesgħet il- Bjar ta' Napuljun (Napoleon's Wells Place), author Charles Xuereb weaves a web of intrigue, lacing fiction against history. Il-Bjar ta' Napuljun are large reservoirs dug by the Knights from where 27 ships of Bonaparte's fleet took water on their way to Egypt. The historical square was inaugurated by the Mayor of St Julian's. THE narrative follows two sis- ters – Krista in London, and Pip in Malta – as they begin to real- ise the severity of their father's drinking habits. As the pressures of caring for a person struggling with a substance use problem puts a strain on their lives, it tests their close relationship with each other and the people around them. Sisyphean Quick Fix is a poignant, funny and moving comedy drama, that takes in the peaks and troughs of caring for a loved one, and the pull of respon- sibility for migrants when there are complications back home. It is directed by Nicky Allpress, who received 4 & 5 star reviews in the UK's national press for her recent work on Neil Labute's The Shape of Things at the Park The- atre in London ("Nicky Allpress's slick production" The Guardi- an) and co-produced by Vikesh Godhwani, who recently directed the sell-out hit Mid-Djarju Ta' Student Fi Skola tal-Knisja, by Jamie Cardona. Sisyphean Quick Fix will have its run on Maltese shores at Theatre Next Door, before making its international debut at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, at the Pleasance this Au- gust. Featuring performances from seasoned actors Bettina Paris & Tina Rizzo, Sisyphean Quick Fix represents Paris's debut as a writer. The play has been in de- velopment for four years and has received developmental support from top new writing hubs in London including Theatre503 and the Omnibus Theatre. The production includes sound de- sign by Matteo Depares, set de- sign by Matthew Cassar and light design by Chris Gatt. The play is also one of the 180 winners of the Keep it Fringe fund, chosen out of 749 applica- tions. The fund is led by estab- lished actor and writer Phoebe Waller-Bridge, who is also the honorary President of the Fringe Society. Writer and performer Bettina Paris said, "Sisyphean Quick Fix came from a want to give a voice to the multiple causalities of the disease by putting those living with a person struggling with ad- diction at the centre of the story, whilst sharing a message of hope for the future, especially for those in simi- lar situ- a t i o n s , in the sisters' united compassion The play's run will also see a collaboration with local charity Aġenzija Sedqa, Malta's prima- ry agency that works to prevent drug and alcohol abuse, as well as care for the users and their fami- lies. Following each performance, a Q&A will be held with a rep- resentative from Aġenzija Sedqa and Paris, to raise awareness on the topic the play tackles and to shed light on the resources avail- able locally to help families strug- gling with similar issues. Sisyphean Quick Fix will be staged at Theatre Next Door on June 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th. All ticket sales will contribute to the play's Edinburgh Festival Fringe run. For more informa- tion, and to book your tickets, visit This pro- ject is supported by the Keep it Fringe fund.

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