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MALTATODAY 16 June 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 16 JUNE 2024 6 COMMERCIAL Plans submitted for €35 million St John's Gardens Project PHOENICIA Malta Ltd, the owners and operators of the award-winning five-star Phoe- nicia Malta, is submitting plans to the Planning Authority for a transformative €35 million res- toration and regeneration project. This ambitious initiative aims to revitalise the disused land adja- cent to the hotel, turning St John's Ditch into an exquisitely land- scaped extension of the hotel's grounds and accommodation. A Blend of History and Sustain- ability The St John's Gardens project is not just a restoration but a conver- gence of historical preservation and environmental sustainability. Mark Shaw, the owner of Phoeni- cia Malta Ltd, has long been com- mitted to enhancing the property while preserving Malta's rich cul- tural heritage. The project under- scores this commitment, aiming to balance luxury with eco-friend- ly practices and conservation. Restoration and Conservation At the heart of this project is the meticulous restoration of the Old Stables and Coach House. These historic structures, cur- rently in disrepair, will be rejuve- nated to create 28 additional guest rooms and suites. The unsightly old Laundry industrial building will be demolished and rebuilt to provide 23 new guest rooms and suites. Importantly, significant restorative interventions to the various historical structures on the Phoenicia site are also entailed in the project, adding to the site's historical value. David Felice, executive director of AP, the architectural firm be- hind the project, emphasises the careful planning involved. "Our goal has been to develop a master plan that respects the heritage of the site while enhancing its func- tionality and beauty," he states. "The transformation of St John's Ditch into St John's Gardens is about creating a legacy for future generations." Environmental Sustainability A cornerstone of the St John's Gardens proposal is environmen- tal sustainability. The project in- cludes the protection of existing trees and the introduction of new indigenous plants, following com- prehensive environmental stud- ies, while sustainable construction practices will be implemented throughout.. Efforts to reduce en- ergy and water consumption and minimise waste are integral to the design, reinforcing The Phoe- nicia Malta's commitment to eco-friendly operations. The project also focuses on improving connectivity and ac- cessibility. Enhanced pathways will link the new gardens to the Bastion Pool, ensuring seamless integration with the existing ho- tel infrastructure. The historic Rotunda and Place-of-Arms areas will be revamped to allow for bet- ter access. Meanwhile, the project is de- signed to be carried out in careful- ly planned phases to ensure min- imal disruption to current hotel operations. Construction traffic will utilise separate access routes to prevent congestion around the hotel, ensuring a smooth contin- uation of guest experiences and hotel events. Bastion Pool at Sunset - photo by Ramon Portelli Sicilia Outlet Village: €35M expansion Elevates it to Italy's top retail hub BY TERRENCE MIFSUD THE Sicilia Outlet Village, a fa- vorite among locals in Malta, has just inaugurated 30 new stores, bringing the total of national and international brand stores to 170. Since becoming part of the Ori- on European Real Estate Fund V and joining the Percassi Group in 2019, the village continues to achieve its diversification and economic growth goals. Follow- ing its most recent phase, the out- let is now considered the biggest in Central-Southern Italy and among the nation's largest. This achievement results from Sicilia Outlet Village's steady expansion since its inception in 2010. The total area now stands at 36,000 square meters, following the most recent development of 6,000 square meters of commer- cial space. The village is home to several high-end brands, in- cluding Alberta Ferretti, Armani, Blumarine, Boss, Coach, Dolce & Gabbana, Furla, Gucci, Michael Kors, Moschino, Polo Ralph Lau- ren, and many more. During the recent celebrations, over 40,000 people filled the shop- ping streets for the grand opening, enjoying over 50 itinerant shows spread across the 36,000 square meters dedicated to shopping. The spectacular pyrotechnic show "Elementi" by Vaccalluzzo created a magical atmosphere in the Vil- lage boulevards, marking a fes- tive and extraordinary shopping weekend with the Summer Black Days,. The ribbon-cutting ceremony was attended by Arcus Real Es- tate's General Manager Luca Nasi, Orion Capital Managers' Partner Corrado Trabacchi, Sicilia Outlet Village's Managing Director Nico- la Sanfilippo, Director Cesare Gre- co, and several Sicilian officials. Visitors meandered down the re- cently erected avenue, which was flanked by thirty trendy business- es exhibiting luxury brands. Di- rector Nicola Sanfilippo expressed gratitude to the local government for their assistance, noting that the region has transformed from a desolate location to a bustling retail destination. In a press conference, General Manager Luca Nasi emphasized the outlet's distinct market po- sition and significance to the re- gion. Nasi highlighted the outlet village's role as one of the largest outlets in Italy, describing it as a 'feast for Sicily', bringing immense value and satisfaction to the local community. He emphasized the participation of several experts and businesses in the growth, which has attracted both Italian and foreign employers. With the creation of 1,100 jobs both directly and indirectly, the expansion project has strength- ened its position as a major con- tributor to the local economy. The outlet village has experienced an upsurge in American tourists, indicating its expanding attrac- tiveness abroad. Another director, Philippe, stated that Sicilia Out- let Village has expanded globally, having recently acquired stores in Korea and Pennsylvania. The local councillor also attend- ed and conveyed her appreciation for the investment from a tourism and artistic standpoint, empha- sizing the possibility of enhancing the area's assets and drawing in additional tourists. The project's director, Cesare Greco, praised its beneficial effects on locals, em- ployers, workers, and customers, labeling it as "an ambitious pro- ject." The development has strength- ened the local community, ren- dering the outlet a popular spot for coffee dates and social gath- erings. It is now considered to be a vital part of Sicily, cherished by visitors, locals, and Italians alike as a location to spend quality time with family. Nasi also affirmed that the outlet village's extensive schedule of activities, which in- cludes concerts, art exhibits, and exhibitions, demonstrates its ded- ication to providing guests with a stimulating social and cultural experience. Looking ahead, Sicilia Outlet Village offers a busy calendar of activities. The Happy Days sale runs from June 8 to June 16, offer- ing additional reductions of up to 30% off outlet pricing. On Sunday, June 16, children may audition for Zecchino d'Oro 2025, the re- nowned song festival, with the op- portunity to play on Rai Uno. One cannot forget the Summer Sale, starting on July 6, promises even more enticing deals for shoppers. Although the Village offers a plethora of well-beloved brands, it also allows visitors to explore intriguing and up-and-coming brands. Sicilia Outlet Village also hosted a public event on June 1st and 2nd, featuring more than fif- ty acts as well as additional outlet price discounts of up to 50%. The €35 million investment in Sicilia Outlet Village is anticipated to increase both its physical foot- print and its economic impact on the region. Sicilia Outlet Village's steady expansion and diversifi- cation portend a prosperous fu- ture for the outlet and the area it serves.

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