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MaltaToday 19 June 2024 MIDWEEK

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NEWS 12 maltatoday | THURSDAY • 19 JUNE 2024 ARTS Council Malta has an- nounced a six-week public con- sultation process for the Draft Charter of the Status of the Artist. The final Charter will be presented during this year's State of the Arts - Malta's National Symposium. The existing draft was preceded by a series of eight focus groups which were open for participation to anyone involved with or within the artistic, cultural and creative ecosystem. Focusing on seven general principles, the draft aligns with the overarching objectives laid down in Strategy 2025, the country's national cultural strate- gy. One of this government's elec- toral promises was advocating towards widespread recognition of and elevating the status of the artist and professionals in the cul- tural, heritage and creative sectors. Several steps have been taken to fulfil this promise through a series of initiatives taken by Arts Council Malta. Today's is undoubtedly a very important step in consolidat- ing this promise, which also aligns with the European Parliament's calls for a European Status of the Artist. It is with pride that Malta leads the way towards an EU-wide framework to enable and empow- er artists. Departing from the premise that everyone has the right to artistic freedom, the Charter calls for the promotion and safeguarding of the right to expression without re- striction, enshrining the principles that all artists shall enjoy the same treatment and access to structures and resources. The draft goes on to further elaborate on themes of income, self-employment and ac- cess to finance; intellectual prop- erty; labour rights and collective bargaining; social security and taxation; skills development; fair practices, representation and mo- bility; and cultural infrastructure. Arts Council Malta Director Funding & Strategy Mary Ann Cauchi stated: "Addressing the Status of the Artist has become ever more pertinent given the challenging global context. Strate- gy 2025 was designed with this in mind, underscoring the fact that the right to artistic freedom, right of association, right to access pub- lic investment, and fair working conditions as crucial to enabling sustainable sectoral growth within the sector. In accordance with the principles laid down in the Strate- gy, we have taken a participatory approach every single step of the way in terms of the drafting of the Charter, ensuring that it's de- signed together with the people it will impact most." Adrian Debattista, Head of Strat- egy at Arts Council Malta, further elaborated on how the Charter is aimed to set the tone for national policy and legislative action that impacts artists and creative prac- titioners in the coming years, with public institutions implementing fair, just and equitable practices that consolidate the artists' status, which can have a spillover effect on the private and voluntary ven- tures within the cultural and cre- ative sectors. While moderating a panel of experts who had drafted reports based on preliminary con- sultations which led to the draft Charter, he stressed that consul- tation is a key factor that will be shaping not only the final version of the Charter but even its imple- mentation. "Throughout the process, this strategy has placed the artist at the centre of operations and decision-making, establishing a framework that protects, im- proves and recognises an artist's right to express, practise, organise and advocate for their status in alignment with Strategy 2025 and the National Cultural Policy. The Draft also reflects Malta's con- tribution to the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) group that was formed at EU-level precisely to address the status and working conditions of artists and cultural and creative professionals." Following the consultation pro- cess, the Draft Charter will be finalised, and the official Status of the Artist Charter presented during ACM's State of the Arts Symposium which will be held in October. For more information about the consultation process, and to fill in the mini survey in relation to the Draft Charter, please visit www. Arts Council Malta launches draft Charter of the Status of the Artist for public consultation AS part of its ongoing effort to promote reading among children, for the second year running, the voluntary organisation Ħamrun Ħanin presented a set of books from the much-loved series 'Karamellu tar-Raħal t'Isfel', written by Charles Butt- igieg, to the Ħamrun Primary School (St George Preca College SS). During the event, members of Ħamrun Ħanin engaged with the children, read out a few excerpts from these books and shared a few light moments together. The author himself was present for this occasion. The 'Karamellu tar-Raħal t'Isfel' books are a collection of stories about childhood in a Maltese village at a time when the tel- evision, the computer, the internet and mo- bile phones were yet to arrive. Karamellu represents a boy who was born and raised in a worker's family, which lived on the out- skirts of Żejtun's 'ir-Raħal t'Isfel'. The sto- ries portray how children and families used to live many years ago, together with their customs, in a calm and serene environment where everyone knew everyone and where mischief among children and adults alike was never lacking. Literacy is a fundamental tool in achieving the key objectives of this voluntary organ- isation, which include child safeguarding and inclusion. By promoting literacy, the organisation aims to encourage a safe, inclu- sive environment where every child has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. Promot- ing early literacy is essential as it establishes the foundation for a child's academic suc- cess and lifelong learning. Early exposure to reading and language skills boosts cognitive development, improves attention span and nurtures a love for learning. The donation of books was presented to Marouska M Farrugia, on behalf of the Head Teacher Johanna Cauchi. For the past three years, Ħamrun Ħanin has organised numerous activities in the community, advocating causes associated with inclusion, diversity and non-discrimi- nation, linking the love towards sports with community development. In recent weeks, the organisation, which serves as the social arm of Ħamrun Spartans FC, carried out visits to places such as Corradino Correc- tional Facility, Rainbow Ward at Mater Dei Hospital and Dar Bjorn, spreading the joy of sporting victory among the more vulnera- ble members of society. These activities are supported by Alberta Group, the VO's main sponsor. Hamrun Hanin presents 'Karamellu tar-Rahal t'Isfel' set of books to San Gorg Preca Primary School

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