MediaToday Newspapers Latest Editions

MALTATODAY 23 June 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 23 JUNE 2024 COMMENT MICHAEL FALZON MICHAEL FALZON How How long can long can energy subsidies energy subsidies last? last? PAGE 3 PAGE 3 CARMEN SAMMUT CARMEN SAMMUT The The consequences consequences of polls on politics of polls on politics PAGE 6 PAGE 6 editorial PAGE 2 interview PAGES 4 - 5 Michael Piccinino Electoral reform Some people had not believed us and were thinking we were overly ambitious to aim towards halving the vote gap. In reality we worked for it and it was all hands on deck and we were able to get that result. There should be no qualms to amend the electoral system further to ensure proportional representation based on nationwide support is introduced irrespective of what the district-based system returns. Mikiel Galea SAVIOUR BALZAN SAVIOUR BALZAN Everyt Everything goes, hing goes, nothing really nothing really matters matters PAGE 7 PAGE 7

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