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MALTATODAY 23 June 2024

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7 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 23 JUNE 2024 OPINION Everything goes, nothing really matters You may choose to dislike Micallef but he is 100% correct when he opines that the whole ROCS activity is one big hamallata... And this idea of a free for all does not only exist with temporary permits, but to all the planning that is taking place all over the island. THE decision to allow a commercial company to take over Triton square in Valletta and occupy the entrance of our capital city for around two weeks says so much about how we value our cultural heritage. Jason Micallef set off the alarm bells, as chairman of the Valletta Cultural Agen- cy. You may choose to dislike Micallef but he is 100% correct when he opines that the whole ROCS activity is one big hamallata. It follows the trend that has been taking place in Valletta with com- plete anarchy with tables and chairs tak- ing over the pedestrian zones in the cap- ital city to feed the tourists pouring in at all hours. With the previous Valletta mayor Al- fred Zammit there was no attempt to curb the free for all, leaving many resi- dents, boutique hotels and shops up in arms. Now it rests with the new mayor Olaf McKay also a Labourite like Zammit to pick up the pieces and introduce some order. Will he? We will be watching. But back to the Triton square hamalla- ta. It seems that everything that has a busi- ness flavour is waved a green card and a pass to get on with it. Does the value of leaving the entrance to our capital city unencumbered have no relevance anymore? And who is vet- ting these applications? Is it the Lands Authority, the Valletta Council or... who? It appears that the government is in fa- vour of these activities, which is no sur- prise at all. Because a look at Valletta indicates that everyone is allowed to do fuck all. And this idea of a free for all does not only exist with temporary permits, but to all the planning that is taking place all over the island. Planning that simply ignores the cultural and environmental impact and genuflects to the construction and real estate lobby. The Planning Authority has continued to fine tune its services to allow for fur- ther development and actively mould its planning processes to continue with the unabated ruin of this country. Contrasting with these actions are the words of wisdom from the Prime Minis- ter Robert Abela who has since the elec- tion result for the European Parliament toasted the need for radical change, a new beginning and fresh outlook towards quality not quantity. All this sounds not only familiar but very noble. But we have yet to see this translated into deeds. And from what we are seeing there is no evidence to prove that this is happening or going to happen. If the Prime Minister really means what he says, he should make it a point to di- rect his ministers to take certain steps. One of which is to set standards. One such standard would have been for the authorities to have refused an application by ROCs to commercialise the Triton square into one big fanfare which bene- fits them alone and not the community. It is all a question of how sensitive we are to this quality, culture and being unique. We can either have a capital city that looks and feels like a shabby marketplace or a capital city that is special, elegant and a culturally rich that offers an expe- rience to the hundreds of thousands who visit it each year. * * * I am wondering what the qualifications are to serve as an intellectual and vision- ary for the President of the Republic. I got it, you must be born a Gozitan; spent your younger days a Marxist; served as the boss of a conservative political radio station; acted as propaganda master of your party; described Alfred Sant as Hit- ler and hosting a discussion programme on State TV; spouted venom against your opponents for years, then in record time abandoned all that and served the same masters you accused of being all sorts of things. Fast forward and forget all that and de- clare that political stations are a waste of time and space. That is it; you have the right qualifications to pontificate as the country's compass and official beacon. Never mind the hypocrisy and self-right- eous consideration. * * * I am just wondering if it is me or wheth- er I am missing something. But is there a line you cannot cross in Love Island Malta. Dildos, whips and dressed up in bikinis all day and with sex on everyone's mind. Am I out of synch? I guess I am just making a big fuss. You may choose to dislike Micallef but he is 100% correct when he opines that the whole ROCS activity is one big hamallata. It follows the trend that has been taking place in Valletta with complete anarchy with tables and chairs taking over the pedestrian zones in the capital city to feed the tourists pouring in at all hours (Photo: Jason Micallef/Facebook) Saviour Balzan Saviour Balzan is founder and co-owner of Media Today, publisher of MaltaToday, he is a TV host and pollster

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